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Cat. no.   TitleCZK EUR basket selection

ARA 2203   
 Chapin E. A., 1922: On Simonella, a genus of salticid spiders new to North America. 3 pp. (in English). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 35: 129-131.
MED 12   
 Chatterjee G. C., 1920: An atypical amoeba causing dysenteric lesions. 10 pp. (in English). The Philippine Journal of Science 17(4): 385-394.
ARA 1769   
 Chelebiev K. A., 1986: A new species of mites of the fam. Epicriidae (Parasitiformes, Mesostigmata) from Central Kazakhstan. 3 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 65(3): 645-647.
 Chilton C., 1916: Fauna of the Chilka lake: Some Terrestrial Isopoda from the shore of the lake. 22 pp. (in English). Memoirs of the Indian Museum 5: 461-482.
EVE 140   
 Chintiroglou Ch., Hartog J. C. den, 1995: Additional records of Actiniaria (Anthozoa) from Greece. 12 pp. 
EVE 141   
 Chmeleva N. N., Cvetkova L. I., 1959: Vlijanie mineralnogo udobrenija na razvitie fitoplanktona v eksperimentalnych prudach Rybcovo-šemajnogo pitomnika letom 1953 g. 7 pp. 
PPE 37603   
 Chmielewski W., 1967: Zagadnienie terminologii uzywanej w odniesieniu do stadiów rozwojowych roztoczy z podrzedu Sarcoptiformes. 7 pp. [ARA 23] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 37(3): 603-609.
PPE 39603   
 Chmielewski W., 1969: Obserwacje nad biologia nowego dla akarofauny polskiej gatunku Kuzinia laevis (Dujardin, 1849) (Acarina, Acaridae). 15 pp. [ARA 25] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 39(3): 603-617.
PPE 41417   
 Chmielewski W., 1971: Obserwacje biologiczno-ekologiczne Lardoglyphus konoi (Sasa et Asanuma, 1951) (Acarina, Acaridae) – nowego dla Polski szkodnika przechowalni. 20 pp. [78018] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 41(2): 417-428.
PPE 47059   
 Chmielewski W., 1977: Results of observations on associations of mites with insects (Acari – Insecta). 20 pp. [78306] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 47: 59-78.
 Choy S. C., 1991: The atyid shrimps of Fiji with description of a new species. 20 pp. 
ARA 1234   
 Chrismov L., 1966: Iksodovi krleži po drebni bozajnici v trakija. 5 pp. 
EVE 1083   
 Christian E., 1985: Die Arthropodenfauna des Schelmenloches im Wienerwald. 4 pp. (in German). Die Höhle 34: 69-72.
ZME 61303   
 Claereboudt M., Hoeksema B. W., 1987: Fungia (Verrillofungia) spinifer spec. nov., a new scleractinian coral (Fungiidae) from the Indo-Malayan region. 7 pp. [EVE 147] Zoologische Mededelingen 61(2): 303-
ARA 2204   
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1942: New american Phalangida. 4 pp. (in English). American Museum Novitates 1164: 1-4.
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1942: New and little known Phalangida from Mexico. 16 pp. (in English). American Museum Novitates 1163: 1-16.
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1942: Phalangida from Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. 18 pp. (in English). American Museum Novitates 1198: 1-18.
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1942: Phalangida from Mexico. 18 pp. (in English). American Museum Novitates 1211: 1-18.
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1942: Phalangids from British Guiana. 13 pp. (in English). American Museum Novitates 1167: 1-13.
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1942: Phalangids from Central America and the West Indies. 23 pp. (in English). American Museum Novitates 1184: 1-23.
ARA 2205   
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1942: The genus Protolophus (Phalangida). 7 pp. (in English). American Museum Novitates 1157: 1-7.
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1943: Phalangida from South America. 19 pp. (in English). American Museum Novitates 1234: 1-19.
ARA 2206   
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1943: Three new Phalangids from Tropical America. 4 pp. (in English). American Museum Novitates 1228: 1-4.
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1944: More Phalangida from Mexico. 13 pp. (in English). American Museum Novitates 1249: 1-13.
ARA 2207   
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1944: New Phalangids from the Old World. 6 pp. (in English). American Museum Novitates 1255: 1-6.
ARA 2208   
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1945: A representative of the Ischropsalidae Simon (Phalangida) from Mexico. 4 pp. (in English). Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 36: 249-252.
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1945: Additional Phalangida from Mexico. 17 pp. (in English). American Museum Novitates 1281: 1-17.
ARA 2209   
 Clarence J., Goodnight M. L., 1945: Phalangida from The United States. 7 pp. (in English). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 53: 239-245.
EVE 148   
 Clark A. H., 1936: Five new genera and two new species of unstalked crinoids. 6 pp. 
BCZ 06510   
 Clark H. L., 1923: Two new genera of Sea-Urchins. 8 pp. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 65/10: 339-348.
EVE 814   
 Clarkson R. W., Robinson A. t., Hoffnagle T. L., 1997: Asian tapeworm (Bothriocephalus acheilognathi) in native fishes from the Little Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona. 4 pp. 
EVE 149   
 Codreanu R., 1968: Y A-T-IL des especes biologiques (Jumelles) chez les épicarides et les Rhizocéphales 14 pp. 
EVE 151   
 Coelho P. A., Ramos-Porto M., 1992: Sinopse dos crustáceos decápodos brasileiros (Portunidae). 8 pp. Revta bras. Zool. 9(3-4): 291-298.
EVE 152   
 Coiffait H., 1958: Apercu sur la faune cavernicole au Japon. 8 pp. 
 Coineau N., 1977: Crustacea: Isopodes aquatiques. Pp. 427-443. In: La faune terrestre de l’ile de Sainte-Helene. Quatriéme partie. 17 pp. Ann. Mus. Roy. Afr. Centr. Zool. 220: 1-575.
 Cokendolpher J. C., Camilo-Rivera G. R., 1989: Annotated bibliogaraphy to the harvestmen of the West Indies (Arachnida: Opiliones). 23 pp. 
ARA 1644   
 Cokendolpher J. C., Jones S. R., 1991: Karyotype and notes on the male reproductive system and natural history of the harvestman Vonones sayi (Simon) (Opiliones, Cosmetidae). 6 pp. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 93(1): 86-91.
ARA 1770   
 Colas-Belcour J., Grenier P., 1942: Sur un Ixodiné peu connu, Ixodes lunatus Neumann, 1907, ectoparasite des rats malgaches. 12 pp. 
ARA 1771   
 Colas-Belcour J., Rageau J., 1961: Argasidae (Acariens Ixodoidea) de France et d’Afrique du Nord. 17 pp. 
 Cole G. A., 1970: The Epimera of North American fresh-water species of Gammarus (Crustacea: Amphipoda). 16 pp. 
EVE 1084   
 Condé B., 1951: Pénicillates de Basse-Égypte (Myriapodes Diplopodes). 9 pp. (in French). Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 76(1-2): 55-63.
GAL 45   
 Cook M. T., 1907: The insect galls of Indiana. 10 pp. (in English). Proceedings of the Academy of Science: 1-10.
 Cook O. F., 1896: An arrangement of the Geophilidae, a family of Chilopoda. 12 pp. 
EVE 154   
 Cook O. F., 1896: Priodesmus, a new genus of Diplopoda from Surinami. 10 pp. 
EVE 155   
 Cook O. F., 1896: Two new diplopod Myriapoda of the genus Oxydesmus from the Congo. 6 pp. 
 Cook O. F., 1899: American Oniscoid Diplopoda of the order Merocheta. 21 pp. 
 Cook O. F., 1911: New tropical Millipeds of the order Merocheta, with an example of kinetic evolution. 23 pp. 
 Cook O. F., 1911: Notes on the distribution of millipeds in South-Ern Texas, with descriptions of new genera and species from Texas, Arizona, Mexico, and Costa Rica. 20 pp. 
EVE 156   
 Cook O. F., 1911: The hothouse milliped as a new genus. 7 pp. 
 Cook O. F., Loomis H. F., 1928: Millipeds of the order Colobognatha, with descriptions of six new genera and type species, from Arizona and California. 27 pp. [M69] 

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