Teschner D., 1961: Biologische Beobachtungen au Grundwassermilben. 8 pp.
APT 521
Testerink G. J., 1982: Strategie in energy consumption and partitioning in Collembola. 11 pp.
AGR 63
Tewari G. C., Prasada Rao G. S., 1987: Economic injury level and sequential sampling plan for Heliothis armigera (Hübner) infesting tomato. 6 pp. Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 17(3): 429-434.
MAM 198
Teyrovský V., 1924: Studie i inteligenci kočky I. 19 pp.
HEM 1647
Teyrovský V., 1925: Studie o larvách Corixid I. 11 pp.
VSZ 13334
Teyrovský V., 1949: Katalepsie vírníka Gyrinus natator L. 14 pp. Věstník Československé spol. zoologické (Praha) 13: 334-347.
FEB 12109
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FEH 27S313
Teyrovský V., 1974: Ruderwarzen (Heteroptera: Corixidae) der Umgebung von Přibram in Böhmen und Bemerkungen zur Frage ihrer Beeinflussung durch die Radioaktivität des Milieus. 6 pp. [HEM 1655] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 27(suppl.): 313-318.
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MAM 240
Thackeray J. F., Van Leuvan Smith T., 2001: Implications of crown height measurements of alcelaphine molars from Kromdraai A, South Africa. 4 pp. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 38: 9-12.
SPX 07097
Thaler K., Pintar M., Steiner H. M., 1984: Fallenfänge von Spinnen in den östlichen Donauauen (Stockerau, Niederösterreich). 7 pp. Spixiana 7: 97-103.
ARA 1521
Thaler K., Zingerle V., 1998: Ozyptila ladina n. sp. from the Dolomites, Northern Italy (Araneae Thomisidae). 6 pp.
EVE 970
Thatcher V. E., 1986: The Parasitic Crustaceans of Fishes from the Brazilian Amazon, 16, Amazonicopeus elongatus gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida) with the Proposal of Amazonicopeidae fam. nov. and Remarks on its Pathogenicity. 8 pp. Amazoniana 10(1): 49-56.
EVE 971
Thatcher V. E., 1988: Asotana magnifica n. sp. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) an unusual parasite (commensal) of the buccal cavities of Piranhas (Serrasalmus sp.) from Roraima, Brazil. 10 pp. Amazoniana 10(3): 239-248.
EVE 972
Thatcher V. E., 1995: Anphira xinguensis sp. nov. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) a gill chamber parasite of an Amazonian serrasalmid fish, Ossubtus xinguense Jégu, 1992. 11 pp. Amazoniana 13(3-4): 293-303.
EVE 973
Thatcher V. E., 1995: Comparative pleopod morphology of eleven species of parasitic isopods from Brazilian fish. 10 pp. Amazoniana 13(3-4): 305-314.
EVE 974
Thatcher V. E., 1996: A new genus and three new species of Monorchiidae (Trematoda) from freshwater fish of Rondônia State, Brazil. 6 pp. Amazoniana 14(1-2): 131-136.
EVE 975
Thatcher V. E., 1996: Braga amapaensis n. sp. (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) a mouth cavity parasite of the Amazonian fish, Acestrorhynchus guyanensis Menezes, with a redefinition of the genus Braga. 9 pp. Amazoniana 14(1-2): 121-129.
EVE 976
Thatcher V. E., Boeger W. A., 1983: The parasitic Crustaceans of fishes from the Brazilian Amazon 10-Acusicola pollonidis n. sp. (Copepoda: Cyclopidea) from Pellona castelnaeana (Valenciennes). 7 pp. Amazoniana 8(2): 273-279.
EVE 977
Thatcher V. E., Boeger W. A., 1984: The parasitic Crustaceans of fishes from the Brazilian Amazon, 13., Gamidactylus jaraquensis gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Vaigamidae) from the nasal fossae of Semaprochilodus insignis (Schomburgk). 6 pp. Amazoniana 8(3): 421-426.
EVE 978
Thatcher V. E., Boeger W. A., 1984: The parasitic Crustaceans of fishes from the Brazilian Amazon, 14, Gamispinus diabolicus gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Vaigamidae) from the nasal fossae of Ageneiosus brevifilis Valenciennes. 6 pp. Amazoniana 8(4): 505-510.
EVE 979
Thatcher V. E., Boeger W. A., 1984: The parasitic crustaceans of fishes from the Brazilian Amazon, 15., Gamispatulus schizodontis gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Vaigamidae) from the nasal fossae of Schizodon fasciatus Agassiz. 8 pp. Amazoniana 9(1): 119-126.
EVE 980
Thatcher V. E., Boeger W. A., Robertson B. A., 1984: The Parasitic Crustaceans of Fishes from the Brazilian Amazon, 12., Ergasilus hydrolycus n. sp. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida) from Hydrolycus scomberoides (Cuvier). 6 pp. Amazoniana 8(3): 321-326.
EVE 981
Thatcher V. E., Carvalho M. L., 1988: Artystone minima n. sp. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) a body cavity parasite of the pencil fish (Nannostomus beckfordi Guenther) from the Brazilian Amazon. 11 pp. Amazoniana 10(3): 255-265.
EVE 982
Thatcher V. E., Jégu M., 1996: Intestinal helminths as population markers of the Amazonian fish Mylesinus paraschomburgkii, with descriptions of five new genera and seven new species of trematodes. 13 pp. Amazoniana 14(1-2): 143-155.
EVE 983
Thatcher V. E., Paredes V., 1985: A parasitic copepod, Amplexibranchius bryconis gen. et sp. nov. (Ergasilidae: Acusicolinae), from an Amazonian fish and remarks on the importance of leg morphology in this subfamily. 10 pp. Amazoniana 9(2):205-214.
EVE 984
Thatcher V. E., Paredes V., 1985: A parasitic copepod, Perulernaea gamitanae gen. et sp. nov. (Cycpoloida: Lernaeidae), from nasal fossae of a Peruvian Amazon food fish. 7 pp. Amazoniana 9(2): 169-175.
AZO 47157
Thayer M. K., 1997: Proglypholoma aenigma gen. et sp. nov., Glypholoma spp. nov. and new records, and a phylogenetic analysis of Glypholomatinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). 18 pp. [15568] Annales Zoologici 47/1-2: 157-174
DIP 4642
Theobald F. V., 1911: Culicidae of the R. Zool. Soc. "Natura Artis Magistra", Amsterdam, and description of three new species. 8 pp.
AEP 37275
Theodor O., 1967: Lipoptena parvula, n. sp. eine neue Art aus der Tschechoslowakei (Diptera, Hippoboscidae). 4 pp. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 37: 275-278.
AMM 54S183
Thérond J., 1969: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Fauna Afghanistans. Histeridae, Col. Sammelergebnisse von O. Jakeš 1963-64, D. Povolný 1965, D. Povolný a Fr. Tenora 1966, J. Šimek 1965-66, D. Povolný, J. Gaisler, Z. Šebek a Fr. Tenora 1967. 16 pp. [15571] Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. biol. 54(suppl.): 183-198.
FEH 24343
Thérond J., 1971: 261. Histeridae, VI. (Col.) Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei. 14 pp. [15572] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 24: 343-356.
EBA 01167
Thérond J., 1975: Ergebnisse der Bhutan-Expedition 1972 des Naturhistorischen Museums in Basel. Coleoptera: Fam. Histeridae. 4 pp. [M16]
APT 180
Thibaud J. M., 1993: Sur les Collemboles des grottes de lave de l’ile de Je Ju (Coree du Sud). 2 pp.
APT 181
Thibaud J. M., 1994: For a biological and ecological classification of cavernicolous Collembola (Hexapoda). 3 pp.
Thiele H. U., 1959: Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Abhängigkeit bodenbewohnender Tierarten vom Kalkgehalt des Standorts (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Diplopoden). 21 pp.
MHB 32
Thiele H. U., Lehmann H., 1967: Analyse und Synthese in tierökologischen Experiment. 8 pp.
EFA 1101
Thiele J. H. R., 1990: Thyris sinicaensis sp. nov., ein chinesisches Fensterschwärmerchen (Lepidoptera, Thyridae). 8 pp. [M23] Entomofauna 11/1: 1-8.
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EVE 724
Thiengo S. C., Vicente J. J., Pinto R. M., 1997: Redescription of Angiostrongylus (Parastrongylus) costaricensis Morera Céspedes (Nematoda, Metastrongyloidea) from a Brazilian strain. 6 pp. Revta bras. Zool. 14(4): 839-844.
LEP 5480
Thierry-Mieg P., 1916: Descriptions de Lépidopteres nouveaux. 12 pp. [M66]
ZVA 74
Thilo O., 1902: Das Einsammeln und Aufbewahren zoologischer Gegenstände. 15 pp. (in German). Korrespondenzblatt des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga 45: 104-118.
DIP 3548
Thomas F. A. W., 1893: Zwei hochalpine Rhopalomyia-Arten. 10 pp.
KLA 33103
Thomka V., 1997: Pavúky (Araneae) v prírodnej rezervácii Viniansky hradný vrch (Slovensko). 11 pp. [M10] [M54] Klapalekiana 33(1-2): 103-113.
ARA 2154
Thompson G. B., 1964: Appendix to previous note on Argas (Carios) vespertilionis (Latreille) (Ixodoidea). 14 pp.
ARA 841
Thompson J. L. C., 1959: Notes on Arachnida, 32. - The fauna of sand-dunes. 1 pp.
Thompson R. T., 1973: Preliminary studies on the taxonomy and distribution of the melon weevil, Acythopeus curvirostris (Boheman) (including Baris granulipennis (Tournier)) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). 21 pp. [B23] [M05] [M71]
CUR 1512
Thompson R. T., 1989: Ptochus Schönherr, 1826 (Insecta, Coleoptera): proposed conservation by confirmation of Marshall’s (1916) designation of Ptochus porcellus Boheman in Schönherr, 1834 as the type species. 2 pp. [M26]
Thompson R. T., 1997: Insect collections made by Captain P. P. King in South America 1826-1830, with a list of some of the beetles. [Gyrinidae, Bostrichidae, Tenebrionidae, Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae, Brentidae, Rhynchophoridae, Curculionidae.] 13 pp. [M04]
EVE 725
Thoms E. M., 1985: Survey format influences evaluating public attitudes toward arthropods. 9 pp. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 87(4): 875-883.