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 Kiselev I. A., 1959: Fitoplankton prudov Rybcovo-šemajnovo pitomnika. 30 pp. 
SPX 03091   
 Kohmann F., 1980: Die Auswirkungen des Hochwassers 1977 auf die Fauna des Egglfinger Innstausees. 7 pp. Spixiana 3(1): 91-97.
AZC 2610   
 Kolasa J., 1983: Formation of the turbellarian fauna in a submontane stream in Italy. 58 pp. [80430] [M57] Acta zoologica cracoviensia 26/10: 297-354.
AMM 81121   
 Kopecký J., Koudelková B., 1997: Seasonal succession of plankton of two pools in the Morava river floodplain. 25 pp. [95100] [M30] Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. biol.
 Koste W., 1973: Zur Kenntnis der Rotatorienfauna der „schwimmenden Wiese“ einer Uferlagune in der Várzea Amazoniens, Brasilien. 35 pp. Amazoniana 5(1): 25-59.
 Koste W., Böttger K., 1989: Rotatorien aus Gewässern Ecuadors. 32 pp. Amazoniana 10(4): 407-438.
 Koste W., Hardy E. R., 1984: Taxonomic studies and new distribution records of Rotifera (Phylum Aschelminthes) from Rio Jarapú and Uatuma, Amazonas, Brazil. 13 pp. Amazoniana 9(1): 17-29.
 Koste W., Robertson B., 1983: Taxonomic studies of the Rotifera (Phylum Aschelminthes) from a Central Amazonian Varzea lake, Lago Camaleao. [Ilha de Marchantaria, Rio Solimoes, Amazonas, Brazil).] 30 pp. Amazoniana 8(2): 225-254.
 Koste W., Robertson B., 1990: Taxonomic Studies of the Rotifera from Shallow Waters on the Island of Maracá, Roraima, Brazil. 16 pp. Amazoniana 11(2): 185-200.
 Koste W., Robertson B., Hardy E., 1984: Further taxonomical studies of the Rotifera from Lago Camaleao, a Central Amazonian varzea lake (Ilha de Marchantaria, Rio Solimoes, Amazonas Brazil). 22 pp. Amazoniana 8(4): 555-576.
ZVA 68   
 Krogh A., : Ethyl urethane as a narcotic for aquatic animals. 6 pp. (in English). 
EVE 1062   
 Küry D., Zschokke S., 2000: Short-term consequences of river restoration on macroinvertebrate communities. 4 pp. (in German). Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Agnew. Ent. 12: 237-240.

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