TextCatNo FHA 1534
Bílý S., 2008: Revision of the genus Chalcogenia (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Anthaxiini). 9 colour plates, 72 pp.Folia Heyrovskyana 15(3-4)(2007): 115-186. TextPriceLng: 395 CZK / 18 EUR
Abstract A taxonomic revision of the buprestid genus Chalcogenia Saunders, 1871. Chalcogenia Saunders, 1871 = Chalcogenia Thomson, 1879 syn. nov. Anthaxia contempta Mannerheim, 1837 is designated as the type species of Chalcogenia Saunders, 1871. Sixteen new species and two new subspecies are described: Chalcogenia bicolor sp. nov. (Namibia), C. brevicornis sp. nov. (Kenya), C. brevis sp. nov. (Somalia), C. contempta capensis subsp. nov. (South Africa), C. chrysobothrina sp. nov. (Kenya), C. elegans sp. nov. (Ethiopia), C. gracilis sp. nov. (Tanzania), C. halperini arabica subsp. nov. (Oman, Yemen), C. jendeki sp. nov. (Kenya), C. lindiana sp. nov. (Tanzania), C. natalensis sp. nov. (South Africa), C. nigra sp. nov. (Central Africa), C. pilipes sp. nov. (Somalia), C. plana sp. nov. (Tanzania), C. plicata sp. nov. (Equatorial Guinea), C. pseudoacaciae sp. nov. (Mauritania), C. werneri sp. nov. (Ethiopia) and C. zabranskyi sp. nov. (Kenya, Tanzania). Four species-groups are defined: Chalcogenia contempta (Mannerheim, 1837) species-group, C. denticulata (Roth, 1851) species-group, C. plicata sp. nov. species-group and C. sulcipennis (Gory, 1841) species-group. Lectotypes are designated for C. argodi Kerremans, 1909, C. martini Abeille de Perrin, 1907 and C. theryi Abeille de Perrin, 1897. Following new synonyms are suggested: Chalcogenia contempta contempta (Mannerheim, 1837) = Anthaxia depilata Fåhraeus in Boheman, 1851 syn. nov. = A. metallica Gory & Laporte, 1839 syn. nov., C. denticulata (Roth, 1851) = C. azurea Kerremans, 1899 syn. nov. and C. toroensis Obenberger, 1931 = C. bredoi Bourgoin, 1941 syn. nov. Morphological characteristics of Chalcogenia are given and its systematic position and bionomy is briefly discussed. All species and subspecies (except for C. viriditarsis Nonfried, 1892) are keyed and illustrated, the list of all studied specimens is presented and a short catalogue of species is included. |  |