Povolný D., Znojil V., 1999: Vergleich zwischen Fleischfliegen-Taxozönosen der griechisch-ägäischen und -ionischen Küste, der dalmatinischen Adria-Küste, der spanisch-katalonischen Küste und jeweils anschliessender Binnenland-Gebiete (Diptera: Sarcophagidae: Sarcophaginae). 18 pp. [M58] Entomol. Generalis, 24: 195-212.
PSC 139
Povž M., 1992: Rdeči seznam ogroženih sladkovodnih rib (Pisces) in piškurjev (Cyclostomata) v Sloveniji. 9 pp.
HYM 3129
Powell W., Hardie J., Hick A. J., Hoeller C., Mann J., Merritt L., Nottingham S. F., Wadhams L. J., Witthinrich J., Wright A. F., 1993: Responses of the parasitoid Praon volucre (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) to aphid sex pheromone lures in cereal fields in autumn: Implications for parasitoid manipulation. 4 pp.
AEB 64335
Prabhu V. K. K., Ittycheria P. I., Nayar K. K., 1967: Influence of corpus allatum on reproduction of female Iphita limbata Stal (Hemiptera). 9 pp. Acta entomologica Bohemoslovaca 64: 335-343.
HEM 1210
Prabucki J., 1972: Z badan nad biologia spadziodajnej mszycy Phyllaphis fagi L. (Homoptera). 11 pp. [M47]
AZC 3106
Pradel A., 1988: Fossil hamsters (Critetinae, Rodentia) from the Pliocene and Quaternary of Poland. 62 pp. Acta Zoologica cracoviensia. 31/6: 235-296.
AVE 181
Prado R. F., 1983: Nota sobre cefalopodos decapodos colectados alrededor de las Islas de Pascua a Sala y Gomez. 4 pp.
Prain D., 1933: Biology and Human Society. Being a presidential Address delivered to the club at the annual meeting on April 1st, 1933. 19 pp. ( in English).
EVE 591
Prasadan P. K., Janardanan K. P., 1994: Morphology and life cycles of two new species of Stenoductus (Apicomplexa: Cephalina) from the millipede, Chondromorpha kelaarti in Kerala, India. 5 pp.
ARA 1423
Pratt R. Y., Hatch M. H., 1938: The food of the black widow spider on whidby Island, Waschington. 3 pp.
ASN 41
Preisler J., 1983: Fleas of free-living carnivores from the territory of the Czech socialistic republic (ČSR). 6 pp.
BIO 81
Prescher S., 1996: In Memoriam Prof. Dr. A. Brauns. [In memory of Prof. Dr. A. Brauns.] 6 pp. Studia Dipterologica 3(2): 215-220.
ELY 14125
Pretorius E., Philips T. K., Scholtz C. H., 2000: Geometric morphometrics, the metendosternite and its use in phylogenetics of the Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera). 24 pp. Elytron 14: 125-148.
EVE 593
Pretus J. L., 1990: Description of Odontozona addaia spec. nov. (Crustacea: Decapoda: Stenopodidae) from a marine cave in the island of Minorca, western Mediterranean. 15 pp.
EVE 594
Pretzmann G., 1975: Brachyura aus Ceylon (Ausbeute einer Expedition des Naturhistorischen Museums 1973/74). 4 pp.
EVE 595
Pretzmann G., 1975: Die bedornten Arten der Gattung Potamocarcinus Milne Edwards, 1953. 7 pp.
Pretzmann G., 1975: Israelische Isopoden. Handschriftliche Notizen von Univ. Prof. Hans Strouhal. Zusammengestellt und überarbeitet. 41 pp.
EVE 596
Pretzmann G., 1975: Potamiden und Parathelphusiden aus Bhutan (leg. Würmli 1972). 5 pp.
EVE 597
Pretzmann G., 1990: Flußkrebsaufsammlungen in Wienerwaldbächen. 3 pp.
BOT 251
Preywisch K., 1972: Zur Ökologie der Laubholzmistel (Viscum album L. ssp. album) im Oberen Weserbergland. 7 pp. [BOT 230] Decheniana 125(1-2): 103-109.
GAL 24
Price P. W., Waring G. L., Fernandes G. W., 1986: Hypotheses on the adaptive nature of galls. 3 pp. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 88(2): 361-363.
Price R. D., Clay T., 1972: A review of the genus Austromenopon (Mallophaga: Menoponidae) from the Procellariiformes. 18 pp. [M28]
THY 279
Priesner H., 1914: Beitrag zu einer Thysanopteren-Fauna Oberösterreichs und Steiermarks. 11 pp.
MMG 029475
Priesner H., 1939: Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Gynaikothrips Zimm. 13 pp. Mitteilungen der münchner entomologischen Gesellschaft 29(4): 475-487.
FEB 10107
Příhoda A., 1947: Scenopinus fenestralis L. Diptera – ničitel molů – Scenopinidae (Omphralidae). [Scenopinus fenestralis L. Diptera – destroyer of moths – Scenopinidae (Omphralidae)]. 4 pp. (in Czech). [DIP 2758] Folia entomologica 10: 107-110.
ASC 45064
Příhoda A., 1948: Význam některých zástupců rodu Apion pro botaniku a zemědělstvi (Col. Curculionidae). 6 pp. Acta Societatis entomologicae Cechosloveniae 45: 64-69.
FEB 11145
Příhoda A., 1948: Ze života samotářských včel čalounic. (Megachile.). 4 pp. [HYM 3137] Folia entomologica 11: 145-148.
ASC 46058
Příhoda A., 1949: Hálky nosatce Dorytomus taeniatus Fabr. (Col. Curcul.). 1 pp. Acta Societatis entomologicae Cechosloveniae 46: 58-60.
DIP 2759
Příhoda A., 1975: L’importance forestiere de la Thecodiplosis Brachyntera (Schwaegr.) (Diptera, Cecidomyidae). 4 pp.
ARA 1900
Prisnij A. V., 1981: Asagena meridionalis (Kulcz., 1894) (Aranei, Theridiidae) – a new for the USSR species of spiders. 4 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 60(1): 201-204.
ARA 1901
Pristavko V. P., Zhukovets E. M., 1987: Spiders (Aranei) as an object of ecological monitoring in the Berezinskij nature reserve. 6 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 66(1): 184-189.
ORT 1385
Pritchard G., Scholefield P., 1978: Observations on the food, feeding behaviour, and associated sense organs of Grylloblatta Campodeiformis (Grylloblattodea). 8 pp. (in English). Can Ent. 110: 205-212.
AZC 3126
Pritchard P. C. H., 1988: A survey of neural bone variation among recent chelonian species, with functional interpretations. 60 pp. Acta Zoologica cracoviensia. 31/26: 625-686.
KRU 66019
Probst J., 1996: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cicindeliden Nepals (Cicindelidae). 19 pp. [M50] Koleopterologische Rundschau 66: 19-37.
KLA 31140
Procházka J., 1995: Faunistic records from the Czech Republic – 32. Lepidoptera: Noctuidae. 1 pp. [M54] Klapalekiana 31(3-4): 140.
KLA 36160
Procházka J., 2000: Faunistic records from the Czech Republic – 100. Lepidoptera: Geometridae. 1 pp. [M52] Klapalekiana 36(4): 160.
AEP 14100
Procházka R., 1936: Studie k morphologickému a systematickému významu nervatury křídel u Malacodermat. 33 pp. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 14: 100-132.
DIP 2753
Prokešová V., 1959: Příspěvek k druhovému rozlišení a výskytu larev Chaoborus (Diptera). 8 pp. [ASC 56142] [M40]
ASC 56142
Prokešová V., 1959: Příspěvek k druhovému rozlišení a výskytu larev Chaoborus (Diptera). 8 pp. [M40] [DIP 2753] Acta Societatis entomologicae Cechosloveniae 56: 142-149.
KLA 35141
Prokop J., Nel A., 1999: Tertiary termite from the Bílina mine locality in northern Bohemia (Isoptera: Hodotemitidae). 4 pp. [M50] Klapalekiana 35(3-4): 141-144.
VSZ 39224
Prokopič J., Bílý S., 1975: Beetles (Coleoptera) as new intermediate hosts of helminths. 7 pp. Věstník Československé spol. zoologické (Praha) 39: 224-230.
ASB 0903
Prokopič J., Křivanec K., 1975: Helminths of amphibians, their interaction and host-parasite relationships. 5 pl., 48 pp. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Academiae Scientiarium Bohemoslovacae Brno (N.S.) 9(3): 1-48.
AVE 182
Promptov A. N., 1949: Sezonnye migracii ptic kak biofiziologičeskaja problema (Predstavleno akademiko E. N. Pavlovskim). 10 pp.
FEH 442283
Prószyński J., 1983: Redescriptions of types of Oriental and Australian Salticidae (Aranea) in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. 15 pp. [78493] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 44(2): 283-297.
AZC 2617
Prószynski J., Zabka M., 1983: Genus Tomocyrba (Aranei, Salticidaei) - hypothetic survivor of the Amber fauna. Systematic study with description of four new species. 16 pp. [M14]
SPX 24097
Prpic N.-M., 2001: A new species of Loxosoma from north-western Finistére, France (Spiralia, Kamptozoa (= Entoprocta), Solitaria, Loxosomatidae). 6 pp. Spixiana 24(2): 97-102.
NBE 64028
Prpić N.-M., 2015: Die Schmetterlingsmücke Psychoda sigma Kincaid, 1899 (= Psychoda surcoufi Tonnoir, 1922) nachgewiesen in Frankfurt am Main (Hessen) in einer Biomülltonne (Diptera: Psychodidae). 6 pp. Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 64(1-2): 28-33.
NBE 64048
Prpić N.-M., 2015: Hilara leandrina Strobl, 1910: an overlooked replacement name for Hilara czernyi Strobl, 1910 (currently Hilara borealis Oldenberg, 1916) (Diptera: Empididae). 2 pp. Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 64(1-2): 48-49.
TEN 701
Průdek P., 1996: Tenebrionoidea 1. In: Rozkošný R., Vaňhara J., (eds.): Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of Unesco, III. 6 pp.
KLA 33249
Průdek P., 1997: Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 75. Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae, Erotylidae, Latridiidae. 2 pp. [M10]