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 Tabrum A. R., Métais G., 2007: Pipestoneia douglassi, a new genus and species of selenodont artiodactyl from the Pipestone Springs area, Jefferson County, Montana. 14 pp. Bull. Carn. Mus. Nat. Hist. 39: 83-96.
  95  4
BOT 273   
 Tanai T., Uemura K., 1988: Daijima-type floras (Miocene) in sourthwestern Hokkaido and the northern part of Honshu, Japan. 9 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 21: 7-15.
  50  2
EVE 969   
 Tanimura Y., Saito Y., 1986: Early Middle Miocene marine diatomite from Dôgo, Oki Islands. 12 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 19: 43-54.
  50  2
AZC 381109   
 Terzea E., 1995: Mammalian events in the Quaternary of Romania and correlations with climatic chronology of Western Europe. 12 pp. Acta zoologica cracoviensia 38(1): 109-120.
  50  2
AZC 381121   
 Tesakov A. S., 1995: Evolution of small mammal communities from the south of Eastern Europe near the Plio-Pleistocene boundary. 7 pp. [MAM 197] Acta zoologica cracoviensia 38(1): 121-127.
  50  2
RPC 27021   
 Testa M., Pastorino P., 2006: Colonies of the planktonic green algae Botryococcus in the continental deposits of the Upper Oligonece – Aquitanian „San Paolo Formation“ (Piedmont Tertiary Basin, Langhe Sub-Basin, NW Italy). 12 pp. (in Italian). Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale 27:21-32.
  50  2
MAM 240   
 Thackeray J. F., Van Leuvan Smith T., 2001: Implications of crown height measurements of alcelaphine molars from Kromdraai A, South Africa. 4 pp. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 38: 9-12.
  50  2
AZC 0230   
 Thenius E., 1958: Mlodociane stadia poroza plejstocenskiego jelenia olbrzymiego, Megaceros giganteus (Blum.) i ich znaczenie filogenetyczne. 15 pp. (in German). Acta zoologica cracoviensia 2/30: 708-721.
  50  2
HYM 5000   
 Tobias V. I., 1987: New taxa of braconids (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) from Baltic amber. 15 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 66(4): 845-859.
  50  2
MAM 242   
 Tomida Y., Otsuka H., Uyeno T., Sakura H., Baba H., 1990: An outline of vertebrate paleontological and paleoanthropological survey in Tokunoshima and Amami-oshima Islands, southwestern Japan. 11 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 23: 173-183.
  50  2
MAM 204   
 Topál G., 1963: The bats of a lower Pleistocene site from Mt. Kövesvárad near Répáshuta, Hungary. 12 pp. 
  50  2
RWA 57093   
 Trinajstic K. M., 1999: Scales of palaeoniscoid fishes (Osteichthyes: Actinopterygii) from the Late Devonian of western Australia. 14 pp. Records of the Western Australian Museum 57: 93-106.
  95  4
RWA 57077   
 Trinajstic K. M., McNamara K. J., 1999: Heterochrony in the Late Devonian arthrodiran fishes Compagopiscis and Incisoscutum. 15 pp. Records of the Western Australian Museum 57: 77-91.
  95  4
 Tröger K.-A., 1984: Abriss der historischen Geologie. Mit 132 Abb., 27 Schemata, 48 Tafeln und 28 Tabellen, 718 pp. 
  1490  60
 Troll W., 1948: Urbild und Ursache in der Biologie. 24 pp. (in German). Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften 6: 3-26.
  150  6
AZC 38045   
 Turner A., 1995: Plio-Pleistocene correlations between climatic change and evolution in terrestrial mammals: the 2.5 ma event in Africa and Europe. 14 pp. [MAM 207] Acta zoologica cracoviensia 38(1): 45-48.
  50  2
 Turner S., 1997: „Dittodus“ species of Eastman 1899 and Hussakof and Bryant 1918 (mid to late Devonian). 31 pp. 
  195  8
BOT 279   
 Uemura K., Tanai T., 1993: Betulaceous leaves and fruits from the Oligocene of Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan. 9 pp. (in English). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 26: 21-29.
  50  2
BOT 280   
 Uemura L., 1991: Middle miocene plant megafossil assemblages from Onnebetsu and Niupu in the Nayoro area, Hokkaido. 10 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 24: 17-26.
  50  2
BZB 50089   
 Ulrich H., Schmelz R. M., 2001: Enchytraeidae as prey of Dolichopodidae, recent and in Baltic amber (Oligochaeta; Diptera). 13 pp. Bonner zoologische Beiträge 50(1-2): 89-101.
  50  2
ACM 75231   
 Urban M. A., Lamanna M. C., 2006: Evidence of giant tyrannosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) of Montana. 5 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 75(4): 231-235.
  50  2
 Urbani C. B., Andrade M. L. de, 1994: First description of fossil Dacaetini ants with a critical analysis of the current classification of the tribe (amber collection Stuttgart: Hymenoptera, Formicidae. VI. Dacetini). 65 pp. 
  590  24
PSC 212   
 Uyeno T., Matsui N., 1993: Late Cretaceous fish fossils from Nemuro, Hokkaido, Japan. 8 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 26: 39-46.
  50  2
 Vaněk, 1959: Čeleď Lichaidae Hawle et Corda, 1847 ze středočeského staršího paleozoika (Trilobitae). 12 čb. tabulí, 90 pp.  Discount 20%!
  156  6.40
BMT 11239   
 Vannucci G., Stockar R., Piazza M., Fravega P., 1993: La trasgressione tardo-oligocenica nella zona di Millesimo (Savona): caratteristiche e significato delle associazioni faunistiche ed algali. 28 pp. (in Italian). Bolletino del Museo regionale di Scienze Naturali – Torino 11(2): 239-266.
  250  10
AMP 13279   
 Vašíček M., 1957: Biostratigrafické a sedimentologické studie namurských vrstev v ostravsko-karvinském revíru. [Biostratigraphical and sedimentological studies of the namurian beds in the Ostrava-Karviná coal district.] 54 pp. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 13B(5): 279-332.
  295  12
AMP 13341   
 Vašíček M., Růžička B., 1957: Namurské foraminifery z ostravsko-karvinského revíru. [Namurian Foraminifera from the Ostrava-Karviná coal district.] 25 pp.  Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 13B(5): 341-365.
  150  6
AMP 13333   
 Vašíček M., Růžička B., 1957: Namurské thecamoeby z ostravsko-karvinského revíru. [Namurian Thecamoebina from the Ostrava-Karviná coal district.] 10 pp. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae 13B(5): 333-342.
  50  2
AMS 26129   
 Vašíček Z., 1977: Hukvaldy-die neue makrofaunistische Lokalität der Schlesischen Einheit (Hauterive). Hukvaldy-nová makrofaunistická lokalita slezské jednotky (hauteriv). 8 pp. (in German). Acta Musei Silesiae 26A: 129-136.
  50  2
AZC 371001   
 Venczel M., 1994: Late Miocene snakes from Polgárdi (Hungary). 29 pp. [80685] [M32] Acta zoologica cracoviensia 37(1): 1-29.
  195  8
BMT 05239   
 Violanti D., 1987: Analisi paleoambientali e tassonomiche di associazioni a Foraminiferi del Pliocene ligure (Rio Torsero). 55 pp. (in Italian). Bolletino del Museo regionale di Scienze Naturali – Torino 5(1): 239-293.
  495  20
BMT 06359   
 Violanti D., 1988: I Foraminiferi plio-pleistocenici di Capo Milazzo. 34 pp. (in Italian). Bolletino del Museo regionale di Scienze Naturali – Torino 6(2): 359-392.
  250  10
VVH 33155   
 Voigt E., 1992: Stütz-, Anker- und Haftorgane bei rezenten und fossilen Bryozoen (Cyclostomata und Cheilostomata). 35 pp. [80705] Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 33: 155-189.
  195  8
SBB 34297   
 Volk M., 1954: Über Archaeocidaris laevispina aus dem Ober-Devon von Steinach im Thüringer Wald. 3 pp. [EVE 991] Seckenbergiana 34(4-6): 297-299.
  50  2
PSC 159   
 Vorobeyeva E. I., Panteleev N. V., Kolobayeva O. V., Blieck A. R. M., 1997: Upper devonian ichthyofauna from the Michailovskij excavation of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, Russia: a preliminary report. 8 pp. 
  50  2
EPR 33119   
 Vršanský P., 2003: Unique assemblage of Dictyoptera (Insecta – Blattaria, Mantodea, Isoptera) from the Lower Cretaceous of Bon Tsagaan Nuur in Mongolia. 33 pp. Entomological Problems 33(1-2): 119-151.
  295  12
EPR 35163   
 Vršanský P., 2005: Lower Cretaceous cockroaches and mantids (Insecta: Blattaria, Mantodea) from the Sharin-Gol in Mongolia. 5 pp. Entomological Problems 35(2): 163-167.
  50  2
INS 811   
 Walker M. V., 1938: Evidence of triassic Insects in the petrified forest national monument, Arizona. 5 pp. (in English). Proceedings of the United States national museum 85: 137-141.
  50  2
PPE 74227   
 Wappler T., Engel M. S., Haas F., 2005: The earwigs (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) from the middle Eocene Eckfeld maar, Germany. 24 pp. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 74(2): 227-250.
  150  6
PPE 75207   
 Wappler T., Heiss E., 2006: Tlatbugs from Paleogene limnic sediments. I. Messel maar (Heteroptera: Aradidae). 11 pp. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 75(2): 207-217.
  50  2
RAM 60215   
 Webby B. D., Zhen Y. Y., 2008: Devonian syringostromatid stromatoporoids from the Broken River region, North Queensland. 22 pp. Records of the Australian Museum 60(2-3): 215-236.
  150  6
HEM 2595   
 Wegierek P., 1993: Aphid remains from the Upper Cretaceous (Homoptera: Canadaphididae, Paleoaphididae). 5 pp. Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom suppl. 1: 57-61.
  50  2
PPE 84351   
 Wegierek P., Kania I., Zmarzly M., 2015: Wojciechaphis andrei gen. et sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Aphidomorpha, Drepanosiphidae, Phyllaphidinae), a new aphid genus from Baltic amber. 10 pp. [M63] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 84(4): 351-360.
  50  2
HEM 2596   
 Wegierek P., Mamontova V. A., 1993: A new fossil species of the genus Stomaphis Walk. (Aphidoidea: Lachnidae). 10 pp. Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom suppl. 1: 37-46.
  50  2
ORT 1101   
 Weibel A. C., Howard D. J., 2000: Canonical cerrelation of Allozyme and morphological variation across distinct geological features in one species of striped ground crickets. 15 pp. 
  50  2
ACM 81033   
 Werneburg R., Berman D. S., 2012: Revision of the aquatic eryopid temnospondyl Glaukerpeton avinoffi Romer, 1952, from the Upper Pennsylvanian of North America. 28 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 81(1): 33-60.
  250  10
AVE 237   
 Wetmore A., 1925: Fossil birds from southeastern Arizona. 18 pp. 
  50  2
AVE 239   
 Wetmore A., 1936: Two new species of hawks from the Miocene of Nebraska. 6 pp. 
  50  2
AVE 240   
 Wetmore A., 1938: Another fossil owl from the Eocene of Wyoming. 3 pp. 
  50  2
BCZ 13204   
 Whittington H. B., 1965: Trilobites of the Ordovician Table Head formation, Western Newfoundland. 164 pp., 68 plates. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 132/4: 275-442.
  990  40

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