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DIP 7154   
 Smith K. G. V., Cunningham-Van Someren G. R., 1985: The larva of Stylogaster varifrons Malloch (Dipt., Stylogastridae). 6 pp. [M42] 
  50  2
DIP 7155   
 Smith K. G. V., Davies R. G., 1965: Gland-like abdominal structures of possible epigamic function in the Diptera. 2 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 7156   
 Smith K. G. V., Grensted L. W., 1963: The larva of Psychoda (Philosepedon) humeralis Meigen (Diptera, Psychodidae). 2 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 7157   
 Smith K. G. V., Taylor E., 1964: On the location and recognition of some Walker types of Diptera from the W. W. Saunders collection – an addendum. 1 pp. [M42] 
  50  2
 Smith K. G. V., Taylor E., 1964: On the location and recognition of some Walker types of Diptera from the W. W. Saunders collection. 13 pp. 
  95  4
DIP 7158   
 Smith K. G. V., Taylor E., 1966: Anisopus Larvae (Diptera) in cases of intestinal and urino-genital myiasis. 3 pp. [M42] 
  50  2
DIP 4470   
 Smith K. G. W., 1950: Mites on Limonia tripunctata F. (Dipt. Tipulidae). 2 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 4471   
 Smith K. G. W., 1977: Notes on some British Phoridae (Diptera) including two species of Megaselia Rondani new to science. 9 pp. 
  50  2
 Smith K. G., 1967: A catalogue of the Diptera of the America South of the United States. 39. Family Empididae (Empidae, Hybotidae). 67 pp. 
  590  24
 Smith L. M., 1962: Japygidae of South America. 3. Japygidae of Chile. 20 pp. 
  150  6
 Smith L. M., Ferris C. A., 1942: New materials for control of the mealy plum Aphid. 28 pp. (in English). 
  150  6
 Smith L. M., Ferris C. A., 1942: New materials for control of the mealy plum aphid. 28 pp. (in English). 
  150  6
APT 347   
 Smith L. M., Gonzales R. H., 1964: Japygidae of South America 4: The genus Austrjapyx and descriptions of new species. 6 pp. 
  50  2
RAM 58371   
 Smith M. A., 2006: Characterizing Late Pleistocene and Holocene stone artefact assemblages from Puritjarra rock shelter: A long sequence from the Australian Desert. 40 pp. Records of the Australian Museum 58: 371-410.
  195  8
 Smith M. R., 1957: Revision of the genus Stenamma Westwood in America North of Mexico (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). 42 pp. 
  395  16
 Smith O. J., 1952: Biology and behavior of Microctonus vittatae Muesebeck (Braconidae). 29 pp. 
  195  8
HYM 3603   
 Smith O. J., Compere H., 1926: The establishment in California of Coccophagus modestus Silv. (Aphelinidae, Hymenoptera) with notes on its life-history. 11 pp. 
  50  2
 Smith R. D., 1989: The sawfly genus Arge (Hymenoptera: Argidae) in the Western Hemisphere. 123 pp. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 115: 83-205.
  990  40
 Smith S. D., 1968: The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae. 20 pp. 
  150  6
TRI 409   
 Smith S. D., 1969: Two new species of Idaho Trichoptera with distributional and taxonomic notes on other species. 8 pp. 
  50  2
TRI 410   
 Smith S. D., 1971: Notes and new species of Limnephilid caddisflies from Idaho (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). 5 pp. 
  50  2
TRI 411   
 Smith S. D., 1974: The first known larva of the Rhyacophila hingstoni group (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae). 3 pp. 
  50  2
CBU 65027   
 Smith S. M., Cognato A. I., 2011: Observations of the biology of Camptocerus Dejean (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in Peru. 6 pp. The Coleopterists Bulletin 65(1): 27-32.
  50  2
SCA 1812   
 Smith T. J., Perissinotto R., Villet M. H., 1998: The larva of Rhinocoeta sanguinipes (Gory Percheron 1833) (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae): description and phylogenetic inferences. 10 pp. 
  50  2
 Smith T. J., Petty G. J., Villet M. H., 1995: Description and identification of white grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) that attack pineapple crops in South Africa. 14 pp. African Entomology 3(2): 153-166.
  95  4
CBU 61503   
 Smith T. R., Bailey R., 2007: A new species of Cybocephalus (Coleoptera: Cybocephalidae) from Taiwan and a new distribution record for Cybocephalus nipponicus. 6 pp. The Coleopterists Bulletin 61(4): 503-508.
  50  2
SYS 25073   
 Smith V. S., 2000: Basal ischnoceran louse phylogeny (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Goniodidae and Heptapsogasteridae). 22 pp. Systematic Entomology 25(1): 73-94.
  150  6
GEN 04309   
 Smith-Meyer M. K. P., Van Dis J. C. S., 1993: Notes on some species of the related genera Aegyptobia Sayed, Phytopyipalpus Tragardh and Pentamerismus McGragor, with descriptions of eight new species (Acari: Tenuipalpidae). 49 pp. [78547] Genus 4(4): 309-357.
  395  16
AZC 48011   
 Smith-Pardo A. H., 2005: Systematics and mimicry of the genus Neocorynura: an example of two species from Central America (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). 11 pp. Acta zoologica cracoviensia 48B(1-2): 11-21.
  0  0
FHA 12179   
 Smith-Pardo A. H., Engel M. S., 2005: The bee genus Micrommation (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) A new diagnosis and description of the male. 2 colour plates, 11 pp. [FHC 210] [M13] 
  95  4
RAM 56209   
 Smith-vaniz W. F., 2004: Description of six new species of jawfishes (Opistognathidae: Opistognathus) from Australia. 16 pp. [81096] Records of the Australian Museum 56(2): 209-224.
  95  4
HYM 7016   
 Smithers C. M., Holloway G. A., 1978: Establishment of Vespula germanica (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in new south Wales. 5 pp. 
  50  2
LEP 6836   
 Smithers C. N., 1975: Melanitis leda bankia (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Sydney and on Norfolk Island. 2 pp. 
  50  2
 Smits C. A. L., 1918: Naamlijst der in de Ichneumonen-collectie van het rijk aanwezige genera en species der familie Ichneumonidae. 46 pp. 
  450  18
LEP 3342   
 Smits P. H., Rietstra I. P., Vlak J. M., 1988: Influence of application techniques on the control of beet armyworm larvae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with nuclear polyhedrosis Virus. 6 pp. 
  50  2
HYM 7489   
 Smitt G., Roth M., 2000: Hymenoptera Parasitica unterchiedlicher Landnutzungstypen der offenen Kulturlandschaft Nordostdeutschlands. 5 pp. (in German). Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Angew. Ent. 12: 379-383.
  50  2
HYM 3605   
 Smittle B. J., Adams C. T., Banks W. A., Lofgren C. S., 1988: Red imported fire ants: feeding on radiolabeled citrus trees. 3 pp. 
  50  2
PPE 40287   
 Smolarz S., 1970: Biologia mszycy sliwowo-trzcinowej – Hyalopterus pruni (Geoff.) (Homoptera, Aphidodea). 57 pp. [40635] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 40(2): 287-343.
  295  12
GEN 06259   
 Smolenski M., 1995: Description of a typical pupa of the tribe Paederini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae). 18 pp. [M06] [15267] 
  95  4
PPE 66045   
 Smolenski M., 1997: Epigeic staphylinid communities (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in primary succession on coastal moving dunes of the Slowinski National Park. 37 pp. [17385] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 66: 45-81.
  350  14
GEN 13325   
 Smolis A., 2002: A new species of the genus Cryptonura Cassagnau, 1979 from Poland (Collembola: Neanuridae). 6 pp. [APT348] Genus 13(3): 325-330.
  50  2
GEN 14313   
 Smolis A., 2003: A new species of the genus Balkanura Cassagnau, 1979 from Turkey (Collembola: Neanuridae). 5 pp. [APT514] Genus 14(3): 313-317.
  50  2
GEN 17471   
 Smolis A., 2006: Endonura Carpatica, a new species from Poland (Collembola: Neanuridae: Neanurinae). 6 pp. Genus 17(4): 471-476.
  50  2
AZC 51043   
 Smolis A., 2008: Review of the Polish Deutonura Cassagnau, 1979 (Collembola: Neanuridae: Neanurinae) with redescription of D. conjuncta (Stach, 1926). 40 pp. Acta zoologica cracoviensia 51B(1-2): 43-82.
  295  12
GEN 14319   
 Smolis A., Deharveng L., 2003: A new species of the genus Paleonura Cassagnau, 1982 from North Vietnam (Collembola: Neanuridae). 6 pp. [APT515] Genus 14(3): 319-324.
  50  2
GEN 14325   
 Smolis A., Kaprus I. J., 2003: A new species of the genus Endonura Cassagnau, 1979 from Israel (Collembola: Neanuridae). 5 pp. [APT516] Genus 14(3): 325-329.
  50  2
GEN 12407   
 Smolis A., Skarzynski D., 2001: A new species of the genus Stachorutes Dallai, 1973 from Poland (Collembola: Neanuridae). 4 pp. Genus 12(4): 407-410.
  50  2
GEN 14451   
 Smolis A., Skarzynski D., 2003: Wankeliella bescidica, a new species from Poland (Collembola: Onychiuridae: Tullbergiinae). 4 pp. [APT517] Genus 14(4): 451-454.
  50  2
GEN 15001   
 Smolis A., Skarzynski D., 2004: A new species of the genus Micranurida Börner, 1901 from Poland (Collembola: Neanuridae). 5 pp. [APT518] Genus 15(1): 1-5.
  50  2
GEN 15007   
 Smolis A., Skarzynski D., 2004: A new species of the genus Pumilinura Cassagnau, 1979 from Croatia (Collembola: Neanuridae: Neanurinae). 6 pp. [APT519] Genus 15(1): 7-12.
  50  2

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