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Cat. no.   TitleCZK EUR basket selection

IMO 05372   
 Korotyaev B. A., 1977: K poznaniju fauny zhukov-lozhnoslonikov (Coleoptera, Anthribidae) Mongolii. [Mongolian Anthribidae]. 4 pp. (in Russian). [CUR 512, IKO 05372] Nasekomye Mongolii 5: 372-375.
  50  2
 Korotyaev B. A., 1981: New and little known weevils of the subfam. Ceutorhynchinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from the Palaearctic, Indomalayan and Australian regions. 34 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 60(1): 126-159.
  295  12
CUR 514   
 Korotyaev B. A., 1982: Novyj vid zhuka-dolgonosika roda Limnobaris Bedel (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) iz Vietnama. 4 pp. 
  50  2
 Korotyaev B. A., 1982: Obzor obitajušèich na efedre dolgonosikov podtriby Oxyonicina Hoffm. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) fauny SSSR i Mongolii. 37 pp. 
  295  12
IMO 09356   
 Korotyaev B. A., 1984: Dopolnenija k faune dolgonosikov roda Phyllobius Germ. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) Mongolii i SSSR. [Contribution to the fauna of the weevil genus Phyllobius Germ. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) of Mongolia and USSR]. 10 pp. (in Russian). [CUR 515, IKO 09356] Nasekomye Mongolii 9: 356-365.
  50  2
 Korotyaev B. A., 1987: Novye vidy dolgonosikov podsemejstva Apiononae (Coleoptera: Apionodae) iz tropièeskich i subtropièeskich rajonov Azii. 27 pp. 
  195  8
 Korotyaev B. A., 1987: Obzor aziatskich vidov roda Piezotrachelus Schönh. (Coleoptera, Apionidae). 15 pp. 
  150  6
HYM 2109   
 Korringa P., 1947: Waarnemingen en overpeinzingen betreffende Macrothylacia rubi L. 6 pp. 
  50  2
TRV 103   
 Korringa P., 1963: Verslag van een reis naar Pakistan 16 tot 31 maart 1963. 3 pp. (in Dutch). Rapporten 15: 45-47.
  50  2
VME 26103   
 Korsch H., 2007: Bemerkenswerte Belege Thüringer Pflanzen im Herbarium des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt. 4 pp. (in German). Veröffentlichungen des Naturkundemuseum Erfurt 26: 103-106.
  50  2
COL 1699   
 Korschefsky R., 1939: Abbildungen und Bemerkungen zu vier Schaufuss’schen Coleopteren aus dem deutschen Bernstein. 3 pp. 
  50  2
 Korschefsky R., 1940: Bestimmungstabelle der häufigsten deutschen Scarabaeidenlarven. 15 pp. 
  95  4
 Korschefsky R., 1941: Die historischen Exemplare fremder Autoren in Stierlin’s Coleopteren-Sammlung. 19 pp. 
  150  6
COL 1700   
 Korschefsky R., 1944: Über fünf bisher nicht gedeutete deutsche Coleopterenbeschreibungen aus dem Jahre 1799. 3 pp. 
  50  2
LEP 1945   
 Korshunov Yu. P., 1974: O faune i biotopièeskom razmešèenii bulabousych èešuekrylych severnoj Baraby. 8 pp. 
  50  2
LEP 5378   
 Korshunov Yu. P., 1981: New data on Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) of Novosibirsk region. 9 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 60(4): 804-812.
  50  2
LEP 1946   
 Korshunov Yu. P., 1985: Zametki po sistematike bulabousykh tsheshuekrylykh (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) fauny SSSR. 4 pp. 
  50  2
 Korshunov Yu. P., 1988: Novye bulavousye tsheshuekrylye (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) iz Khakasii, Tuvy i Yakutii. 16 pp. 
  150  6
EVE 391   
 Korsós Z., 1983: Diplopod types in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, I. 4 pp. 
  50  2
EVE 392   
 Korsós Z., 1991: Abundance and seasonal activity of millipedes in a dolomitic grassland community (Diplopoda). 6 pp. 
  50  2
SBB 81061   
 Korsós Z., 2001: Diplopoda from the Nepal Himalaya: Towards the clarification of the genus Anaulaciulus Pocock 1895 (Diplopoda, Julida, Julidae, Brachyiulini). 26 pp. Senckenbergiana biologica. 81(1/2): 61-86.
  150  6
FEH 49211   
 Korsós Z., Ronkay L., 1988: Zoological collectings by the Hungarian Natural History Museum in Korea. 89. A report on the collecting of the eleventh Expedition. 6 pp. Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 49: 211-216.
  50  2
FEH 462023   
 Korsõs Z., Vásárhelyi T., 1985: Zoological collecting trips in Armenia, VI. 4 pp. (in English). Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 46(2): 23-26.
  50  2
 Korth U., 1960: Die Domatienmilben der Gattung Typhlodromus und ihr Verhältnis zur Linde. 30 pp. 
  250  10
ACM 65167   
 Korth W. W., 1996: A new genus of beaver (Mammalia: Castoridae: Rodentia) from the Arikareean (Oligocene) of Montana and its bearing on castorid phylogeny. 13 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 65(2): 167-179.
  50  2
ACM 69227   
 Korth W. W., 2000: Review of Miocene (Hemingfordian to Clarendonian) mylagaulid rodents (Mammalia) from Nebraska. 54 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 69(4): 227-280.
  295  12
ACM 76117   
 Korth W. W., 2007: A new genus of beaver (Rodentia, Castoridae) from the Miocene (Clarendonian) of North America and systematics of the Castoroidinae based on comparative cranial anatomy. 18 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 76(2): 117-134.
  95  4
ACM 79137   
 Korth W. W., 2011: New species of cricetid rodents (Mammalia) from the late miocene (Hemphillian) previously referred to Peromyscus pliocenicus Wilson. 11 pp. (in English). Annals of Carnegie Museum 79(2): 137-147.
  50  2
ACM 79079   
 Korth W. W., 2011: Review of the species of Eumys Leidy, 1856 (Rodentiam Cricetidae) from the oligocene (Orellan to Arikareean) of North America. 12 pp. (in English). Annals of Carnegie Museum 79(2): 79-90.
  50  2
ACM 81233   
 Korth W. W., 2013: Mylagaulid rodents (Mammalia: Rodentia: Mylagaulidae) from the middle Miocene (Barstovian) of New Mexico. 13 pp. (in English). Annals of Carnegie Museum 81(4): 233-245.
  50  2
ACM 75237   
 Korth W. W., Bailey B. E., 2006: Earliest castoroidine beaver (Rodentia, Castoridae) from the late Arikareean (early Miocene) of Nebraska. 9 pp.  Annals of Carnegie Museum 75(4): 237-245.
  50  2
ACM 78029   
 Korth W. W., Baskin J. A., 2009: A new species of Leptarctus (Carnivora, Mustelidae) from the late Clarendonian (Late miocene) of Kansas. 16 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 78(1): 29-44.
  50  2
ACM 76177   
 Korth W. W., Branciforte C., 2007: Geomyoid rodents (Mammalia) from the ridgeview local fauna, early-early Arikareean (late Oligocene) of western Nebraska. 25 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 76(3): 177-201.
  150  6
ACM 71107   
 Korth W. W., Diamond M. E., 2002: Review of Leptomeryx (Artiodactyla, Leptomeryicidae) from the Orellan (Oligocene) of Nebraska. 23 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 71(2): 107-129.
  150  6
MAM 258   
 Korth W. W., Emry R. J., 2007: A new genus of paramyine (Ischyromyidae, Rodentia) from the Eocene (Uintan to Chadronian) of Wyoming and Utah. 5 pp. Bull. Carn. Mus. Nat. Hist. 39: 151-155.
  50  2
ACM 83219   
 Korth W. W., Evander R. L., 2016: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Lagomorpha, and Rodentia (Mammalia) from Observation Quarry, earliest Barstovian (Miocene), Dawes County, Nebraska. 36 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 83(3): 219-254.
  195  8
MAM 259   
 Korth W. W., Martin J. E., 2007: Additional cranial material of the Miocene beaver Anchitheriomys (Rodentia, Castoridae) from Nebraska. 7 pp. Bull. Carn. Mus. Nat. Hist. 39: 165-171.
  50  2
ACM 83019   
 Korth W. W., Samuels J. X., 2015: New rodent material from the John Day Formation (Arikareean, middle Oligocene to early Miocene) of Oregon. 66 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 83(1): 19-84.
  590  24
ACM 80067   
 Korth W. W., Tabrum A. R., 2011: A new aplodontoid rodent (Mammalia) from the early Oligocene (Orellan) of Montana and a suggested origin for the family Mylagaulidae. 15 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 80(1): 67-81.
  95  4
 Körting A., : Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lebensgewohnheiten und der phytopathogenen Bedeutung einiger an Getreide lebender Thysanopteren. 62 pp. 
  495  20
EVE 393   
 Korzhuev P. A., Khudajberdiev S. R., 1937: Ob osobennostjach perevarivanija belkov u krovososushtshich i chishtshnych pijavok (Hirudo medicinalis i Haemopis sanguisuga). 6 pp. 
  50  2
 Kos F., 1936: Orchesellenstudien. 53 pp. 
  450  18
 Kos F., 1937: Über die polymorphe Aufspaltung der Isotomurini. 71 pp. 
  590  24
JRS 14067   
 Kos K., Petrovic-Obradovic O., Žikic V., Petrovic A., Trdan S., Tomanovic Z., 2012: Review of interactions between host plants, aphids, primary parasitoids and hyperparasitoids in vegetable and cereal ecosystems in Slovenia. 12 pp. Journal of the Entomological Research Society 14(3): 67-78.
  95  4
JRS 143067   
 Kos K., Petrovic-Obradovic O., Žikic V., Petrovic A., Trdan S., Tomanovic Z., 2012: Review of interactions between host plants, aphids, primary parasitoids and hyperparasitoids in vegetable and cereal ecosystems in Slovenia. 12 pp. Journal of the Entomological Research Society 14(3): 67-78.
  95  4
HYM 2110   
 Kosaroff G., 1935: Beobachtungen über die Ernaehrung der Japygiden. 8 pp. 
  50  2
APT 63   
 Kosaroff G., 1935: Beobachtungen über die Ernährung der Japygiden. 5 pp. 
  50  2
 Kosarov G., Zonev I., 1966: Collembola aus den kulturflächen Thrakiens. 32 pp. (in Bulgarian). 
  295  12
JOA 06223   
 Koschuh A., 2004: Verbreitung, Lebensräume und Gefährung der Sumpfschrecke Stethophyma grossum (L., 1758) (Saltatoria) in der Steiermark. 24 pp. Joannea Zool. 6: 223-246.
  150  6
JOA 12117   
 Koschuh A., 2012: Des Südalpen-Grashüpfer Chorthippus eisentrauti (Ramme, 1931) (Orthoptera: Caelifera) in den östlichen Nordalpen als Erstnachweis für die Steiermark. 10 pp. Joannea Zoologie 12: 117-126.
  50  2

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