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SPX 09239   
 Tanasevitch A. V., 1986: Two new Troglohyphantes from the Caucasus (Aranei, Linyphyiidae). 5 pp. Spixiana 9(3): 239-243.
  50  2
SPX 10335   
 Tanasevitch A. V., 1987: New species of Lepthyphantes Menge, 1866 from the Soviet Far East, with notes on the Siberian fauna of this genus (Aranei, Linyphiidae). 9 pp. Spixiana 10(3): 335-343.
  50  2
FEH 49185   
 Tanasevitch A. V., 1988: Some new Letphyphantes Menge (Aranei, Linyphiidae) from Mongolia and the Soviet Fat East. 12 pp. [ARA 1517] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 49: 185-196.
  95  4
SPX 11127   
 Tanasevitch A. V., 1989: A review of the Palaearctic Poeciloneta Kulczyñski (Aranei, Linyphiidae). 5 pp. Spixiana 11(2): 127-131.
  50  2
 Tanasevitch A. V., 1990: Pauki semejstva Linyphiidae fauny Kavkaza (Arachnida: Aranei). 110 pp. 
  790  32
RCB 30005   
 Tanasevitch A. V., 1993: A new species of Trachelocamptus Simon from Western Kazakhstan (Arachnida: Araneae: Linyphiidae: Erigoninae). 2 pp. (in English). Reichenbachia 30(1): 5-6.
  50  2
RCB 30001   
 Tanasevitch A. V., 1993: Another new species of Lepthyphantes Menge from the Russian Far East (Arachnida: Araneae: Linyphiidae: Micronetinae). 3 pp. (in English). Reichenbachia 30(1): 1-3.
  50  2
ARA 1518   
 Tanasevitch A. V., 1998: Gorbothorax n. gen., a new linyphiid spider genus from the Nepal Himalayas (Arachnida, Araneae, Linyphiidae). 8 pp. 
  50  2
ARA 1519   
 Tanasevitch A. V., 1998: New Oedothorax Bertkau, 1883, from Nepal (Arachnida, Araneae, Linyphiidae). 13 pp. 
  50  2
CEB 07007   
 Tanasevitch A. V., Kamayev I. O., 2011: Spiders of Kola Peninsula, Russia (Arachnida: Aranei). 26 pp. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 7(1): 7-32.
  250  10
BTE 08023   
 Tanasijevitsh N., 1958: Zur Morphologie und Biologie des Luzernemarienkäfers Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata L. 28 Textfig., 55 pp. [15534] Beiträge zur Entomologie 8(1-2): 23-77.
  295  12
DIP 3520   
 Tanasijtshuk V. N., 1958: New species of the genus Leucopis (Diptera, Chamaemyiidae) from Leningrad region, NW USSR. 10 pp. (in Russian).  
  50  2
 Tanasijtshuk V. N., 1970: Flies of the Family Chamaemyiidae from Mongolia. 19 pp. 
  150  6
FFA 16123   
 Tanasijtshuk V. N., 1970: Materialy k poznaniju much-serebrjanok (Chamaemyiidae, Diptera) Polshi. 21 pp. Fragm. faun. 16/11: 123-143.
  150  6
FFA 1611   
 Tanasijtshuk V. N., 1970: Materialy k poznaniju much-serebrjanok (Chamaemyiidae, Diptera) Polshi. 21 pp. Fragmenta faunistica 16/11: 123-143.
  150  6
IMO 04518   
 Tanasijtshuk V. N., 1976: K faune much-serebrjanok (Diptera, Chamaemyiidae) Mongolskoj narodnoj respubliki. 11 pp. [DIP 3523] Nasekomye Mongolii 4: 518-528.
  50  2
INS 652   
 Tanasijtshuk V. N., 1981: Materials for the «Red Book» of the USSR on insects. 13 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 60(3): 699-711.
  50  2
TSL 11014   
 Tandan B. K., 1958: Mallophagan parasites from Indian birds. V. Species belonging to the genus Ibidoecus Cummings, 1916 (Ischnocera). 26 figs., 18 pp. [71238] The Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 110(14): 393-410.
  150  6
 Tandan B. K., 1972: The species of Apterygon (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Amblycera) parasitic on kiwis (Apteryx). 18 pp. 
  95  4
SYS 01075   
 Tandan B. K., 1976: The species of Ardeicola (Phthiraptera) on Threskiornis (Aves). 13 pp. Systematic Entomology 1(1): 75-87.
  50  2
 Tandan B. K., Clay T., 1971: Contributions towards a revision of Myrsidea Waterston. VI. (Phthiraptera, Amblycera: Menoponidae). 38 pp. 
  295  12
MAL 87   
 Tandan B. K., Kumar P., 1969: Mallophaga from birds of the Indian subregion. Part VII. Ardeicola hardayali, sp. n. (Ischnocera, Philopteridae) from Leptoptilos javanicus. 10 pp. 
  50  2
MAL 88   
 Tandan B. K., Kumar P., 1969: Mallophaga from birds of the Oriental region. Part IX. Sturnidoecus philippensis, n. sp. (Ischnocera: Philopteridae). 6 pp. 
  50  2
DEZ 22167   
 Tandon G. N., Bhargava S., 1975: Morphology of the head capsule and mouth parts of Holotrichia consanguinea Blanchard (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae). 11 pp. (in German). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift (N.F.) 22(1-3): 167-177.
  50  2
BTE 20439   
 Tandon Santosh K., 1970: Katalog der orientalischen Agromyziden. (Diptera: Agromyzidae). 24 pp. [61359] Beiträge zur Entomologie 20(5-6): 439-462.
  195  8
AEB 78216   
 Taneja S., Taneja S. K., 1981: Microanatomy of the brain and optic lobes of Ceracris deflorata (Orthoptera, Acrididae) with special reference to the fibrous commissures and tracts. 8 pp. Acta entomologica Bohemoslovaca 78: 216-223.
  50  2
AEP 52185   
 Tang L., Li L.-Z., 2012: Two new species of the genus Scaphidium from China (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scaphidiinae). 8 pp. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52(1): 185-192.
  50  2
ELT 33609   
 Tang L., Li L.-Z., Zhao M.-J., 2005: Three new species of the group of Stenus cirrus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from China. 8 pp. Elytra 33(2): 609-616.
  95  4
 Tanida K., 1980: Life history and distribution of three species of Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) in the River Kubine (Kyoto, Central Japan), with particular reference to the variations in their life cycles and the relation of larval growth to their density. 17 pp. 
  150  6
 Tanida K., 1984: Larval microlocation on stone face of three Hydropsyche species (Insecta: Trichoptera). With a general consideration on the relation of systematic groupings to the ecological and geographical distribution among the Japanese Hydropsyche species. 16 pp. 
  150  6
TRI 415   
 Tanida K., 1985: Net structure and feeding ecology of some Japanese species of Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Insecta). 2 pp. 
  50  2
 Tanida K., 1986: A revision of Japanese species of the genus Hydropsyche (Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae). I. 18 pp. 
  195  8
 Tanida K., 1986: A revision of Japanese species of the genus Hydropsyche (Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae). II. 10 pp. 
  95  4
 Tanida K., 1987: A revision of Japanese species of the genus Hydropsyche (Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae). III. 12 pp. 
  95  4
TRI 416   
 Tanida K., 1991: Notes on the Trichoptera in Kawai’s „An illustrated book of aquatic insects of Japan“. 3 pp. 
  50  2
TRI 417   
 Tanida K., 1991: Trichoptera adults collected in the upper area of the Yoshibo-gawa River (Nara, Central Japan) – a preliminary report. 5 pp. 
  50  2
TRI 418   
 Tanida K., Takemon Y., 1981: Life history and growth of case-bearing caddis larva, Molanna moesta Banks, at Mizoro-ike Pond, Kyoto. 2 pp. 
  50  2
 Taniguchi S., 1956: Biological studies on the Japanese bees III. Request in flower-visiting of infrasocial bees. 15 pp. 
  95  4
JJE 17079   
 Tanikawi T., 2014: Effects of temperature and foud conditions on survival and egg production in Fagineura crenativora adults. 7 pp. Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.) 17(2): 79-85.
  50  2
EVE 969   
 Tanimura Y., Saito Y., 1986: Early Middle Miocene marine diatomite from Dôgo, Oki Islands. 12 pp. (in Japanese). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 19: 43-54.
  50  2
LEP 3526   
 Tanis J. J. C., 1964: Macrolepidoptera van Terschelling. 9 pp. 
  50  2
JJE 16159   
 Taniwaki T., 2013: Effect of color on the efficiency of flight interception traps for sampling adults of the beech sawfly, Fagineura crenativora. 7 pp. Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.) 16(3): 159-165.
  50  2
JJE 15002   
 Taniwaki T., Watanabe K., 2012: Hymenopterous parasitoids of Fagineura crenativora Vikberg and Zinovjev verified in Tennoji Ridge, Mt. Tanzawa, Kanagawa Prefecture. 13 pp. Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.)15(1): 2-14.
  95  4
JJE 17131   
 Taniwaki T., Watanabe K., 2014: Biology of two hymenopterous parasitoids on Fagineura crenativora cocoons. 4 pp. Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 17(4): 131-134.
  50  2
JJE 16218   
 Taniwaki T., Yamane M., Tamura A., Aihara, Koshiji M., Tani S., Banno H., Yamagami A., 2013: Synchronization of adult female emergence of Fagineura crenativora and leaf opening of Fagus crenata: effect on larval feeding damage. 7 pp. Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 16(4): 218-224.
  50  2
REP 114   
 Tanner W. W., 1997: Type locality restriction of Hypsiglena torquata Günther. 4 pp. 
  50  2
 Tansky V. I., 1961: Formirovanie fauny tripsov (Thysanoptera) na posevach pšenicy na novych zemljach v Severnom Kazachstane. 22 pp. 
  95  4
LEP 5478   
 Tansky V. I., Bulgak V. D., 1981: Effectiveness of usage of the economic injury level for codling moth Laspeyresia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) and tetranychid mites (Acarina, Tetranychidae) in the Crimea. 11 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 60(2): 241-251.
  50  2
HYM 4995   
 Tansky V. I., Dormidontova G. N., 1987: Biologoical peculiarities of the wheat stem borer Cephus pygmaeus L. (Hymenoptera, Cephidae). 12 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 66(4): 715-726.
  50  2
JTM 422021   
 Tao C. C., 1989: Aphids from Taiwan collected by Malaise Trap (Homoptera: Aphidae). 9 pp. [HEM 2936] Journal of Taiwan Museum 42(2): 21-29.
  50  2

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