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 White R. E., 1980: A taxonomic study of the New World genus Stichtoptychus Fall (Coleoptera: Anobiidae). 35 pp. 
  350  14
CBU 38240   
 White R. E., 1984: Eight new species of Anobiidae from Jamaica (Coleoptera: Anobiidae). 9 pp. The Coleopterists Bulletin 38(3): 240-248.
  50  2
CBU 39185   
 White R. E., 1985: North American Euvrilletta – transferal of taxa from Xyletinus, two new species, and a key (Coleoptera: Anobiidae). 9 pp. The Coleopterists Bulletin 39(2): 185-193.
  50  2
CBU 44344   
 White R. E., 1990: Lasioderma haemorrhoidale (III.) now established in California, with biological data on Lasioderma species (Coleoptera: Anobiidae). 5 pp. The Coleopterists Bulletin 44(3): 344-348.
  50  2
CBU 45270   
 White R. E., 1991: Revalidation of two species of American Lema (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). 3 pp. The Coleopterists Bulletin 45(3): 270-272.
  50  2
DIP 6130   
 White R. H., 1961: Analysis of the development of the compound eye in the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. 16 pp. 
  50  2
 White R. S., 1924: New Ceylon Diptera. (Part III.). 32 pp. 
  295  12
 White R., 1928: Cecidomyidae. Catalogue of Indian Insects. Part 15. 23 pp. 
  195  8
CBU 3634   
 Whitehead D. R., (ed.), 1982: Baron Maximilien de Chaudoir (1816-1881): a symposium to honour the memory of a great coleopterologist during the centennial of his death. 151 pp. [CLW067] Coleopterologists Bulletin 36(3,4): 459-530+531-609.
  990  40
QEN 08131   
 Whitehead D. R., 1972: Classification, phylogeny, and zoogeography of Schizogenius Putzeys (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Scaritini). 218 pp. Quaestiones Entomologicae 8: 131-348.
  1490  60
QEN 11006   
 Whitehead D. R., 1975: Additions to „Annotated Key to Platynus“ (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Agonini). 1 pp.[ CAR 2964] Quaestiones Entomologicae 11(1): 6.
  50  2
QEN 12118   
 Whitehead D. R., 1976: Classification and evolution of Rhinochenus Lucas (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cryptorhynchinae), and quaternary Middle American zoogeography. 84 pp. Quaestiones Entomologicae 12: 118-201.
  590  24
 Whitehead D. R., Ball G. E., 1975: Classification of the Middle American genus Cyrtolaus Bates (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini). 29 pp. 
  295  12
QEN 11591   
 Whitehead D. R., Ball G. E., 1975: Classification of the Middle American genus Cyrtolaus Bates (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini). 29 pp.[ 19570] Quaestiones Entomologicae 11(4): 591-619.
  295  12
ACM 66289   
 Whitehead D. R., Ball G. E., 1997: The Middle American genus Onypterygia Dejean (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae: Platynini): a taxonomic revision of the species, with notes on their way of life and geographical distribution. 120 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 66(3): 289-409.
  790  32
CBU 36096   
 Whitehead D. R., Duffield R. M., 1982: An unusual specialized predator prey association: failure of a chemical defense and possible practical application (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae, Chrysomelidae). 2 pp. The Coleopterists Bulletin 36(1): 96-97.
  50  2
STA 1636   
 Whitehead P. F., 1989: Modern british records of Rhopalocerina clavigera (Scriba) (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). 2 pp. 
  50  2
ELY 05S225   
 Whitehead P. F., 1991: The breeding population of Meloe rugosus Marsham, 1802 (Coleoptera: Meloidae) at Broadway, Worchestershire, England. 4 pp.  Elytron 5(suppl.): 225-229.
  50  2
ELY 06015   
 Whitehead P. F., 1992: The floodplain Coleoptera of the river Avon, Worcestershire, England, with provisional diagnoses of ancient assemblages. 19 pp. Elytron 6: 15-33.
  150  6
COL 1912   
 Whitehead P. F., 1997: Beetle faunas of the European angiosperm Urwald: problems and complexities. 6 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 3849   
 Whiteside E. F., 1949: An experiment in control of tsetse with DDT-treated oxen. 12 pp. 
  50  2
SYS 13373   
 Whitfield J. B., 1988: Revision of the Nearctic species of the genus Stiropius Cameron (=Bucculatriplex auct.) with the description of a new related genus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). 13 pp. Systematic Entomology 13(3): 373-385.
  150  6
HYM 4734   
 Whitfield J. B., 1988: Taxonomic notes on Rhyssalini and Rhysipolini (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) with first nearctic records of three genera. 3 pp. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 90(4): 471-473.
  50  2
SYS 17273   
 Whitfield J. B., 1992: The polyphyletic origin of endoparasitism in the cyclostome lineages of Braconidae (Hymenoptera). 14 pp. [53890] Systematic Entomology 17(3): 273-286.
  95  4
 Whitfield J. B., 1995: Annotated checklist of the Microgastrinae of North America North of Mexico (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). 18 pp. 
  150  6
HYM 7217   
 Whitfield J. B., 1995: Xanthapanteles, a new genus of Microgastrinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from South America. 5 pp. 
  50  2
SYS 12509   
 Whitfield J. B., Achterberg C. Van, 1987: Clarification on the taxonomic status of the genera Cantharoctonus Viereck, Noserus Foerster and Pseudavga Tobias (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). 10 pp. Systematic Entomology 12(4): 509-518.
  95  4
SYS 19061   
 Whitfield J. B., Mason W. R. M., 1994: Mendesellinae, a new subfamily of braconid wasps (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) with a review of relationships within the microgastroid assemblage. 16 pp. [53892] Systematic Entomology 19: 61-76.
  150  6
LEP 3991   
 Whitford F., Showers W. B., 1988: Abundance of nontarget foliage-dwelling insects after insecticide treatment for adult european corn borer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). 5 pp. 
  50  2
CBU 52157   
 Whiting M. J., Godwin W., 1998: Pogonomyrmex Mayr harvester ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): an additional cost associated with dung beetle, Canthon imitator Brown (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), reproduction 4 pp. The Coleopterists Bulletin 52(2): 157-160.
  50  2
HYM 4325   
 Whiting P. W., 1933: Sex determination in Hymenoptera. 3 pp. 
  50  2
HYM 4326   
 Whittaker O., 1928: New Bethylidae (Hymenoptera) from British Columbia. 7 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 3851   
 Whitten J. M., 1962: The fly ptilinum: tactile recoptors and their function at emergence. 8 pp. 
  50  2
BCZ 13204   
 Whittington H. B., 1965: Trilobites of the Ordovician Table Head formation, Western Newfoundland. 164 pp., 68 plates. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 132/4: 275-442.
  990  40
PPE 32253   
 Wiackowski K. S., 1962: Studies on the biology and ecology of Aphidius smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), a parasite of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harr.) (Homoptera, Aphididae). 58 pp. [52552] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 32: 253-310.
  495  20
PPE 27159   
 Wiackowski S. K., 1958: O nowym stanowisku w Polsce Tetropium gabrieli Weise (Col., Cerambycidae) i Evetria margarotana H. – S. (Lep. Tortricidae). 2 pp. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 27. 159-160.
  50  2
PPE 38601   
 Wiackowski S. K., 1968: Laboratory investigations on the effect of insectides on the larvae of Chrysopa carnea Steph. (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae). 9 pp. [MRN 119] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 38(3): 601-609.
  50  2
PPE 38159   
 Wiackowski S. K., Dronka K., 1968: Laboratory investigations on the effect of aphicides available in Poland on the most important natural enemies of aphids. 15 pp. [41021] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 38(1): 159-173.
  95  4
PPE 38441   
 Wiackowski S. K., Nowacka B., 1968: Laboratory investigations on the effect of insecticides on the larvae and adults of Coccinella septempunctata L. (Col., Coccinellidae). 12 pp. [M50] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 38(2): 441-452.
  50  2
PPE 38255   
 Wiackowski S. K., Wiackowska I., 1968: Investigations on the entomofauna accompanying aphids occuring on fruit trees and bushes. 29 pp. [M39] [71313] Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 38(2): 255-283.
  195  8
 Wiackowski S. K., Wiackowska I., 1968: Investigations on the entomofauna accompanying aphids occuring on fruit trees and bushes. 29 pp. [PPE 38255] [M39] 
  195  8
PPE 71151   
 Wiberg-Larsen P., Czachorowski S., 2002: Oxyethira tristella Klapalek, 1895 (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae), a caddis-fly species new to the fauna of Poland. 3 pp. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 71(2): 151-153.
  50  2
ACM 77321   
 Wible J. R., 2008: On the carnial osteology of the Hispaniolan solenodon, Solenodon paradoxus Brandt, 1833 (Mammalia, Lipotyphla, Solenodontidae). 82 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 77(3): 321-402.
  495  20
ACM 79029   
 Wible J. R., 2010: On the hyoid and larynx of the Hispaniolan Solenodon, Solenodon paradoxus Brandt, 1833 (Mammalia, Lipotyphla, Solenodontidae). 10 pp. (in English). Annals of Carnegie Museum 79(1): 29-38.
  50  2
ACM 79001   
 Wible J. R., 2010: Petrosal anatomy of the nine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Dasypodidae). 28 pp. (in English). Annals of Carnegie Museum 79(1): 1-28.
  195  8
ACM 79149   
 Wible J. R., 2011: On the treeshrew skull (Mammalia, Placentalia, Scandentia). 82 pp. Annals of Garnegie Museum 79: 149-230.
  495  20
ACM 80115   
 Wible J. R., 2012: The ear region of the aardvark, Orycteropus afer (Pallas, 1766) (Mammalia, Placentalia, Tubulidentata). 32 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 80(2): 115-146.
  250  10
 Wible J. R., Gaudin T. J., 2004: On the cranial osteology of the yellow armadillo Euphractus sexcintus (Dasypodidae, Xenarthra, Placentalia). 80 pp. 
  590  24
ACM 83167   
 Wible J. R., Hughes E. M., 2016: Anatomy of the pedal skeleton of the Hispaniolan solenodon, Solenodon paradoxus Brandt, 1833 (Mammalia, Lipotyphla, Solenodontidae). 39 pp. Annals of Carnegie Museum 83(3): 167-205.
  195  8
ACM 8210   
 Wible J. R., Spaulding M., 2013: On the cranial osteology of the African palm civet, Nandinia binotata (Gray, 1830) (Mammalia, Carnivora, Feliformia). 114 pp. (in English). Annals of Carnegie Museum 82(1): 1-114.
  590  24

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