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MSI 80107   
 Sassi D., 2001: Nuove specie del genere Cryptocephalus vicine a Cryptocephalus marginellus (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae). 32 pp. Memorie della Societá Entomologica Italiana 80: 107-138.
  295  12
GEN 19291   
 Sassi D., 2008: Cyrtonota timida, a new species from Colombia (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae: Mesomphaliini). 5 pp. Genus 19(2): 291-295.
  50  2
GEN 22123   
 Sassi D., 2011: A new species of the Cryptocephalus marginellus complex from Italian Western Alps (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae). 10 pp. (in English). Genus 22(1): 123-132.
  50  2
AEP 55703   
 Sassi D., 2015: Two new species of Metallactus from Bolivia and Brazil (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae). 10 pp. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 55(2): 703-712.
  50  2
 Sasso C. D., 1993: I mammifer fossili delle alluvioni quaternarie lombarde. 34 pp. 
  195  8
HEM 2822   
 Satar S., Kersting U., Uygun N., 1998: Effect of different Citrus host plants and temperatures on development rate and fecundity of apterous Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae). 11 pp. Turkish journal of entomology 22(3): 187-197.
  50  2
TSL 10015   
 Satchell G. H., 1949: The early stages of the British species of Pericoma Walker. (Diptera: Psychodidae). 37 pp. The Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 100(15)
  295  12
DIP 6621   
 Satchell G. H., 1950: New species of Fijian Psychodidae (Diptera). 10 pp. 176-185.
  50  2
DIP 5917   
 Satchell G. H., 1950: On Psychoda acutipennis Tonnoir, a semi-apterous, Island-living species. 5 pp. 
  50  2
TSL 10105   
 Satchell G. H., 1950: The New Zealand Psychodidae: a study based upon the collection and manuscript notes of the late Dr. A. L. Tonnoir. 32 pp. The Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 101(5)
  295  12
TSL 10520   
 Satchell G. H., 1954: Keys to the described species of New Zealand Psychodidae with descriptions of eight new species. 8 figs., 17 pp. The Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 105(20): 475-491.
  150  6
 Satchell G. H., 1955: New species of east and central African Psychodidae. Part I. 34 pp. 
  295  12
DIP 3065   
 Satchell G. H., 1956: Results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950-1951. Diptera (Nematocera): Psychodinae. 5 pp. South African Animal Life 3.
  50  2
HYM 6983   
 Satchell J. E., Collingwood C. A., 1955: The wood ants of the Englisch Lake District. 7 pp. 
  50  2
JRS 06201   
 Sathish Kumar Y., Ganesh N., Vijayan A., 2004: Mosquito diversity in Rajiv Gandhi National park (Nagarahole), Karnataka State, India. 13 pp. [DIP 6791] (in English). Journal of the Entomological Research Society 6(2): 1-13.
  95  4
JRS 062001   
 Sathish Kumar Y., Ganesh N., Vijayan A., 2004: Mosquito diversity in Rajiv Gandhi National park (Nagarahole), Karnataka State, India. 13 pp. [DIP 6791] (in English). Journal of the Entomological Research Society 6(2): 1-13.
  95  4
DIP 5919   
 Satija R. C., Aggarwal V., 1966: Morphological development and crowth of the brain of Drosophila melanogaster. 8 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 5920   
 Satija R. C., Aggarwal V., 1967: Histological studies on postembryonic development of the brain of Drosophila melanogaster. 17 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 5921   
 Satija R. C., Aggarwal V., 1967: Postembryonic development of the eye and its ganglia of Drosophila melanogaster. 15 pp. 
  50  2
ELT 16126   
 Satô M. Nilsson A. N., 1998: Notes on Ilybius (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae) from Japan and neighbourhood. 1 pp. Elytra 16(2): 126.
  50  2
CTH 336   
 Sato M., 1974: Lampyrid beetles of the Philippines, I. The genus Vesta Casternau. 5 pp. 
  50  2
EBA 02197   
 Sato M., 1977: Ergebnisse der Bhutan-Expedition 1972 des Naturhistorischen Museums in Basel Coleoptera: Fam. Hydrophilidae, Dryopidae and Elminthidae. 8 pp. [M51] Entomologica Basiliensia 2: 197-204.
  50  2
AQA 857   
 Sato M., 1977: Studies on the Genus Zaitzeviaria (Coleoptera, Elminthidae) I. Description on new species. 4 pp. 
  50  2
CTH 337   
 Sato M., 1978: Notes on „Themus insulsus“ (Coleoptera: Cantharidae). 1 pp. 
  50  2
EBA 04043   
 Sato M., 1979: Coleoptera: Fam. Georissidae, Hydraenidae, Hydrophilidae und Ptilodactylidae. Ergebnisse der Bhutan-Expedition 1972 und Indien-Nepal-Expeditionen 1975-1977 des Naturhistorischen Museums in Basel. 25 pp. Entomologica Basiliensia 4: 43-67.
  195  8
AQA 858   
 Sato M., 1979: Two new dytiscid beetles from Palawan, the Philippines. 4 pp. 
  50  2
AQA 859   
 Sato M., 1982: Two new Platynectes species from the Ryukyus and Formosa (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae). 4 pp. 
  50  2
ELT 23263   
 Satô M., 1995: Notes on some coleopteran groups of the Himalo-Japanese element in Northern Vietnam. 4 pp. Elytra Tokyo 23 (2): 263-266.
  50  2
ELT 23017   
 Sato M., 1995: Notes on the genus Callirhipis (Coleoptera, Callirhipidae) from the Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan. 7 pp. [SDB 127] Elytra 23(1): 17-23.
  50  2
DIP 3066   
 Sato M., 1996: The first record of Teuchophorus ussurianus (Diptera, Dolichopididae) from Japan. 5 pp. 
  50  2
ELT 26398   
 Sato M., 1998: Some records of Hydrochara affinis (Sharp) (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) in the Ryukyu Islands. 1 pp. Elytra 26 (2): 398.
  50  2
ELT 29315   
 Satô M., 2001: A remarkable new species of the genus Chelonarium (Coleoptera, Chelonariidae) from Borneo. 3 pp. Elytra 29(2): 315-317.
  50  2
ELT 30331   
 Satô M., 2002: Two new species of the genus Ischalia (Coleoptera, Anthicidae, Ischaliinae) from the Philippines. 4 pp. Elytra 30(2): 331-334.
  50  2
ELT 31367   
 Satô M., 2003: Miscellaneous notes on the Laotian Coleoptera, I. Description of a new species of the genus Metallidascillus (Coleoptera, Dascillidae). 3 pp. Elytra 31(2): 367-369.
  50  2
JJS 10073   
 Sato M., 2004: Lectotype designation and redescription of Japanese species of the genus Podabrus (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). 10 pp. Japanese Journal of systematic Entomology (N.S.) 10(1): 73-82.
  95  4
ELT 33001   
 Satô M., 2005: In memoriam Michio Chujô (13 Sept. 1908 – 9 June 2004). 2 pp. Elytra 33(1): 1-2.
  50  2
 Sato M., Ishida K., 1982: The genus Themus of Japan (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). 9 pp. 
  95  4
ELT 29075   
 Satô M., Kishimoto T., 2001: A new cavernicolous Elmid (Coleoptera, Elmidae) discovered in South China. 11 pp. Elytra 29(1): 75-85.
  95  4
ELT 32367   
 Satô M., Li C.-L., Lee C.-F., 2004: An additional new species of Metallidascillus (Coleoptera, Dascillidae) from Taiwan. 3 pp. Elytra 32(2): 367-369.
  50  2
JJS 11063   
 Sato M., Ogata T., Nakajima J., Kamite Y., 2005: Recent records of Orientelmis parvula (Coleoptera, Elmidae) in Japan, with a proposal for conservation. 4 pp. Japanese Journal of systematic Entomology (N.S.) 11(2): 63-66.
  50  2
JJS 13009   
 Satô M., Ohbayashi N., Yoshitomi H., 2007: Description of the male of Metallidascillus wakaharai (Coleoptera, Dascillidae). 2 pp. Japanese Journal of systematic Entomology (N.S.) 13(1): 9-10.
  50  2
 Sato M., Okushima Y., 1992: The genus Athemus (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) of the Ryukyu Islands, Southwest Japan. 9 pp. 
  95  4
JJS 07117   
 Sato M., Okushina Y., 2001: New elegant species of the genus Lycocerus (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) from Iriomote-jima Island, Southwest Japan. 3 pp. Japanese Journal of systematic Entomology (N.S.) 7(1): 117-119.
  50  2
ELT 17057   
 Sato M., Wittmer W., 1989: Some notes on Japanese Melyridae (Coleoptera). 4 pp. [B17] [M21] [M31] [M62] Elytra 17(1) 57-60.
  50  2
AQA 887   
 Sato M., Yoshitomi H., 2005: Taxonomic notes on the aquatic Coleoptera of Japan, IV. 6 pp. Coleopterists’ News 151: 1-6.
  50  2
ELT 34343   
 Satô M., Yoshitomi H., Ohbayashi T., 2006: Notes on the Melyridae (Coleoptera) of Micronesia. 9 pp. Elytra 34(2): 343-351.
  95  4
JJS 08109   
 Sato S., 2002: Notes on the genus Iwawakia, with description of a new species from central Japan (Coleoptera, Cleridae). 6 pp. Japanese Journal of systematic Entomology (N.S.) 8(1): 109-114.
  50  2
ESC 12041   
 Sato S., Tabuchi K., Yukawa J., 2009: Description of a new Procystiphora species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) inducing galls in culms of Sasa nipponica (Poaceae) in Japan, and the first discovery of an inverted ovipositor in Diptera. 10 pp. Entomological Science 12(1): 41-50.
  50  2
ESC 12111   
 Sato S., Yasuda H., Evans E. W., Dixon A. F. G., 2009: Vulnerability of larvae of two species of aphidophagous ladybirds, Adalia bipunctata Linnaeus and Harmonia axyridis Pallas, to cannibalism and intraguild predation. 5 pp. Entomological Science 12(2): 111-115.
  50  2
ESC 09423   
 Sato S., Yukawa J., 2006: Resurrection of Rabdophaga salicivora Shinji (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a Japanese gall midge formerly (Osten Sacken), with observations on the phylogenetic relationship of its populations in Japan and the Russian Far East. 12 pp. Entomological Science 9(4): 423-434.
  50  2

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