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 Kaszab Z., 1981: Die Arten der Gattung Stenosida Solier, 1835 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). 11 pp. 
  95  4
FEH 421095   
 Kaszab Z., 1981: Die Gattungen und Arten der Tribus Archeocrypticini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). 20 pp. [12669] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 42(1): 95-115.
  195  8
 Kaszab Z., 1981: Neue orientalische Tenebrioniden (Coleoptera). 24 pp. 
  195  8
FEH 422077   
 Kaszab Z., 1981: Neue südamerikanische Gattungen und Arten (Coleoptera). 8 pp. [TEN 472] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 42(2): 77-84.
  50  2
INS 213   
 Kaszab Z., 1982: A faunisztikai és rendszertani kutatások múltja, jelene és jövöje magyarországon. 6 pp. 
  50  2
FEH 431059   
 Kaszab Z., 1982: Die Gattung Iscanus Fauvel (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) aus dem Pazifik. 5 pp. [12672] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 43(1): 59-62.
  95  4
 Kaszab Z., 1982: Die Papuanisch-Pazifischen Arten der Gattung Archeoglenes Brown, 1893 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). 11 pp. 
  95  4
 Kaszab Z., 1982: Die papuanisch-pazifischen Arten der Gattung Lorelus Sharp, 1876 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). 41 pp. 
  350  14
FEH 441083   
 Kaszab Z., 1983: Die Tenebrionidengattung Rehumius Fairmaire, 1893 (Coleoptera). 5 pp. [12676] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 44(1): 83-87.
  95  4
TEN 474   
 Kaszab Z., 1983: Über die Gattung Leprocaulus Fairmaire, 1896 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). 7 pp. 
  50  2
 Kaszab Z., 1984: Revision der australischen Archeocrypticinen (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). 21 pp. 
  195  8
FEH 461023   
 Kaszab Z., 1985: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der pazifischen Tenebrioniden (Coleoptera). 41 pp. [12680] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 46(1): 23-63.
  350  14
FEH 462005   
 Kaszab Z., 1985: Dr. Endrodi Sebo 1903-1984. 12 pp. (in Hungarian). Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 46(2): 5-16.
  50  2
TEN 475   
 Kaszab Z., 1986: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Tenebrioniden (Coleoptera) aus Arabien. 4 pp. 
  50  2
TEN 1196   
 Kaszab Z., : Tenebrionides. 3 pp. 
  50  2
 Kaszab Z., Medvedev G. S., 1976: Ergebnisse der mongolisch-sowjetischen biologischen Expeditionen in der Mongolischen Volksrepublik seit 1967. Tenebrionidae: Tentyriini (Coleoptera), II. 16 pp. 
  150  6
TEN 1092   
 Kaszab Z., Medvedev G. S., 1984: Drei neue asiatische Tenebrioniden (Coleoptera). 7 pp. 
  50  2
ESC 10001   
 Katada S., Suzuki T., Tsuchida K., 2007: Application of microsatellite primers for the social wasp Polistes to another social wasp genus, Parapolybia, to estimate genetic relationships among nestmates. 5 pp. Entomological Science 10(1): 1-5.
  50  2
IMO 09075   
 Kataev B. M., 1984: Materialy k poznaniju zhuzhelic podroda Hypsinephus Bates roda Harpalus Latr. (Coleoptera, Carabidae). [Materials to the knowledge of the ground-beetle subgenus Hypsinephus Bates, genus Harpalus Latr. (Coleoptera, Carabidae)]. 15 pp. (in Russian). [12691] Nasekomye Mongolii 9: 75-90.
  150  6
CAR 2274   
 Kataev B. M., Dudko R. Yu., 1997: A new species of the carabid genus Stenolophus Steph. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from the South of Russian Far East. 4 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 76(3): 559-562.
  50  2
 Kataev B. M., Wrase D. W., 1993: On taxonomy and distribution of Harpalus famelicus Tschit. and two related species (Coleoptera, Carabidae). 13 pp. (in English). Linzer biol. Beitr. 25(1): 127-139.
  95  4
VME 29157   
 Kataev B. M., Wrase D. W., 2010: A new species of the genus Harpalus Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from China and faunistic notes on a species previously described. 4 pp. Vernate 29: 157-160.
  50  2
AGR 86   
 Kataev O. A., 1982: Forest entomology to the 60th anniversary of the USSR. 11 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 61(4): 694-704.
  50  2
WLC 7   
 Kataev O. A., Golutvin G. I., Selikhovkin A. V., 1983: Changes in arthropodian communities of the forest biocenoses under the atmosphere pollution. 9 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 62(1): 33-41.
  50  2
CUC 767   
 Katakura H., 1976: Notes on a form of Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata complex feeding upon Caulophyllum robustum in Ohnuma Park, Southern Hokkaido. 4 pp. Kontyu, Tokyo 44(4): 526-529.
  50  2
CUC 768   
 Katakura H., 1976: On the life cycle of Epilachna admirabilis (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) in Sapporo, Northern Japan, with special reference to its hibernation by adult stage. 3 pp. Kontyu, Tokyo 44(3): 334-336.
  50  2
 Katalan-Gateva Š., 1966: Soil and Plant Nematodes in representatives of the family Solanaceae in Thrace. 32 pp. (in Bulgarian). 
  195  8
CHR 1461   
 Katanga Apuuli J. K., Villet M. H., 1996: The use of wood ash for the protection of stored cowpea seed (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) against Bruchidae (Coleoptera). 3 pp. African Entomology 4(1): 97-99.
  50  2
LAM 091325   
 Katanic S., 1991: Sous-especes et distributions geographiques. 4 pp. (in French). Lambillionea 91(4): 325-328.
  50  2
JJE 07001   
 Katayama E., 2004: Nesting biology of Megachile pseudomonticola Hedicke, with special reference to the manipulation and adhesion of leaf pieces used for cell construction. 10 pp. (in Japanese). [HYM 5855] Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 7(1): 1-10.
  50  2
 Katayama E., Maeta Y., 1979: Brood development and adult activities of a small carpenter bee, Ceratina megastigmata (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). 19 pp. Kontyu, Tokyo 47(2): 139-157.
  195  8
JJE 15159   
 Katayama E., Matsuda T., 2012: Nesting biology and nest architecture of the Japanese leaf-cutting bee Megachile kyotensis Alfken (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae,). 13 pp. Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.)15(3): 159-171
  50  2
JJE 15015   
 Katayama M., Tatsuta H., 2012: Relative abundance and its seasonal variation of zygopteran larvae on Okinawajima Island. 6 pp. Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 15(1): 15-20.
  50  2
ESC 07119   
 Katayama N., Suzuki N., 2004: Role of extrafloral nectaries of Vicia faba in attraction of ants and herbivore exclusion by ants. 6 pp. Entomological Science 7(2): 119-124.
  50  2
JJS 14125   
 Katayama Y., Li L. Z., 2008: Three new species of the genus Tachinus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Tachyporinae) from Laos. 8 pp. Japanese Journal of systematic Entomology (N.S.) 14(1): 125-132.
  50  2
BSI 128137   
 Katbeh-Bader A., 1996: Contribution to the knowledge of Meloidae of Jordan (Coleoptera). 6 pp. Bolletino della Societa Entomologica Italiana 128(2): 137-142.
  50  2
FGE 32293   
 Katbeh-Bader A., 2000: Description of two new species of Strigoderma from Central America (Coleoptera, Rutelidae). 4 pp. Fragmenta entomologica 32(2): 293-296.
  50  2
HYM 1916   
 Kathirithamby J., Grimaldi D., 1993: Remarkable stasis in some Lower Tertiary parasitoids: descriptions, new records, and review of Strepsiptera in the Oligo – Miocene amber of the Dominican Republic. 12 pp. 
  50  2
JRS 12031   
 Katilmis Y., Kiyak S., 2010: Distribution, Phenology and Effects of Diplolepis spp. (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) on Rosas canina in the Inland Western Anatolian. 6 pp. (in English). Journal of the Entomological Research Society 12(2): 31-36.
  50  2
JRS 122031   
 Katilmis Y., Kiyak S., 2010: Distribution, Phenology and Effects of Diplolepis spp. (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) on Rosas canina in the Inland Western Anatolian. 6 pp. (in English). Journal of the Entomological Research Society 12(2): 31-36.
  50  2
JRS 133065   
 Katilmis Y., Kiyak S., 2011: First records of inquiline wasps of the genus Ceroptres Hartig, 1840 (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae, Synergini) from Turkey. 5 pp. (in English). Journal of the Entomological Research Society 13(3): 65-69.
  50  2
DIP 1543   
 Katiyar K. P., Molina J. C., Matheus R., 1997: Primer reporte de planta hospedera para Anastrepha sylvicola Knab (Diptera: Tephritidae). 3 pp. 
  50  2
BTE 12606   
 Katiyar R. N., 1962: Some aspects of insect behaviour under field conditions. I. Hatching and migration of caterpillars of Chilo zonellus Swinhoe (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). 9 pp. [LEP 1852] Beiträge zur Entomologie 12(5-6): 606-614.
  50  2
BTE 14125   
 Katiyar R. N., 1964: Bibliography on the genus Chilo Zincken (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). 30 pp. [30722] Beiträge zur Entomologie 14(1-2):125-154.
  295  12
ESC 12130   
 Kato A., Ohbayashi N., 2009: Habitat expansion of an exotic lace bug, Corythucha marmorata (Uhler) (Hemiptera: Tingidae), on the Kii Peninsula and Shikoku Island in western Japan. 5 pp. Entomological Science 12(2): 130-134.
  50  2
DIP 1544   
 Kato K., Sakaguchi B., Nagayama J., Masuda Y., Koga K., 1990: Induction of recessive lethal mutants by dioxin and dibenzofurans in Drosophila melanogaster. 5 pp. 
  50  2
JJE 14177   
 Kato K., Watanabe M., 2011: Foraging flights of Sympetrum infuscatum (Selys) adults inhabiting cedar forest gaps of satoyama (Odonata: Libellulidae). 10 pp. Japanese Journal of Entomology (N. S.) 14(3): 177-186.
  95  4
 Kato M., 1998: Unique leafmining habit in the bark beetle clade: A new tribe, genus, and species of Platypodidae (Coleoptera) found in the Bonin Islands. 10 pp. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 91(1): 71-80.
  95  4
BOT 210   
 Kato T., 1988: Allozyme variation in Hypericum pseudopetiolatum R. Keller (Hypericaceae) in Hokaido and Tohoku District. 5 pp. (in English). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 21: 81-85.
  50  2
JJE 11025   
 Katoh T., Furukawa K., Katakura H., 2008: DNA analysis of insects using reflex bleeding. 7 pp. Japanese Journal of Entomology (N.S.) 11(1): 25-31.
  50  2

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