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FEH 301153
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HYM 4107
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HYM 4109
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HYM 4110
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EVE 736
Tshekanovskaja O. V., 1952: K faune maloshtshetinkovych tshervej (Oligochaeta) Zapadno-Kazakhstanskoj oblasti. 7 pp.
EVE 737
Tshekanovskaja O. V., 1959: K faune maloshtshetinkovych tshervej Severnogo Kavkaza. 8 pp.
APT 359
Tshelnokov V. G., 1987: New species of springtails of the genus Entomobrya Rondani (Collembola, Entomobryidae) from the North-East of the USSR. 6 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 66(1): 96-101.
EBA 20115
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EBA 20133
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EVE 738
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LEP 3629
Tshistjakov Y. A., 1986: Ein interessantes Beispiel von Industriemelanismus bei Leucosoma salicis L. (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae). 4 pp. Neue Ent. Nachr. 19(1-2): 47-50.
MAM 243
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PPE 44585
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ESC 17181
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ARA 847
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ASN 61
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AGR 70
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ASC 48240
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FGE 16133
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FGE 12113
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HYM 4119
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HYM 4120
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HYM 4123
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HYM 4126
Turner R. E., 1937: Notes on fossorial Hymenoptera. XLVI. On new Australian Thynnidae. 7 pp.
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ZME 801159
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EVE 862
Turon X., 1987: Las ascidias de Tossa de Mar (Girona). I. Generalidades. Faunística y taxonomía. 11 pp.
EVE 863
Turon X., 1988: Distribución ecológia de las ascidias en las costas de Cataluòa e islas baleares (Mediterráneo occidental). 18 pp.
EVE 864
Turon X., 1990: Estructura de los filtros branquiales de ascidias (Tunicados). 9 pp.
Turrisi R. E., 1999: Contributo alla conoscenza della flora di Vizzini (area iblea, Sicilia sud-orientale). 27 pp. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara 2: 5-31.
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APT 361
Tuxen S. L., 1930: Einige Apterygoten aus Südeuropa nebst Beschreibung zwei neuer Arten von Thysanura. 9 pp.
APT 362
Tuxen S. L., 1956: Neues über die von Silvestri beschreibenen Proturen. 12 pp.
AZC 0227
Tuxen S. L., 1958: Neues über Eosentomon armatum Stach. 16 pp. Acta zoologica cracoviensia 2/27: 622-636.
APT 525
Tuxen S. L., 1960: Ergänzendes über die von Silvestri und Berlese beschreibenen Proturen. 10 pp.
APT 526
Tuxen S. L., 1961: Die Variabilität einer Proturen-Art (Acerentomon gallicum Ion.) nebst deren postembryonader Entwicklung. 12 pp.
APT 527
Tuxen S. L., 1964: Einige Insektenfunde aus Dobrogea und dem Donau-Delta (Rumänien) nebst Beschreibung eines neuen Thysanuren. 13 pp.
Tuxen S. L., Imadaté G., 1974: The Silvestridia complex within Protura (Insecta), a revision. 14 pp.
APT 528
Tuxen S. L., Imadaté G., 1975: Corrections to S. L. Tuxen’s „Australian Protura: (1967). 3 pp.
ARA 1980
Tuzovskij P. V., 1981: Postembryonic stages of Torrenticola amplexa (Koenike, 1908) (Acariformes, Torrenticolidae). 9 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 60(1): 205-213.
ARA 1979
Tuzovskij P. V., 1984: On the slit sense organs of the aquatic mites (Acarina, Hydrachnellae). 13 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 63(1): 193-205.