Fleischer A., 1925: Carabus scheidleri Panz. V. Preissleri Dft. A v. Helleri Ggb. 2 pp. Acta Societatis entomologicae Cechosloveniae 22: 22-23.
ASC 22020
Fleischer A., 1925: Coleopterologické výzkumy. 2 pp. [COL 243] Acta Societatis entomologicae Cechosloveniae 22: 20-21.
STA 427
Fleischer A., : Eine neue Varietät der Gyrophaena nana Payk. 1 pp.
Fleischmann A., 1903: Die Fehler der Darwin’schen Theorie. 14 pp. (in German). Deutschen Medicinischen Wochenschrift 44: 1-14.
EVE 1005
Fleming P. A., Nicolson S. W., 2003: Arthropod fauna of mammal-pollinated Protea humiflora: ants as an attractant for insectivore pollinators 6 pp. African Entomology 11(1): 9-14.
Fletcher D. S., 1958: Geometridae from Tanganyika collected by Dr. Christa Lindemann and Nina Pavlitzki. 28 pp. [M57]
LEP 1172
Fletcher T. B., 1947: Some species of Cosmoclostis (Lep.: Alucitidae). 11 pp. [M67]
Fleutiaux E., 1932: Coleopteres, Elateridae. Contributions a l’étude de la faune du Mozambique. Voyage de M. P. Lesne (1928-1929). 6. Note. 27 pp. [B19] [M03]
ARA 1161
Flexner J. L., Westigard P. H., Croft B. A., 1988: Differential nortality of organotin resistant and susceptible twospotted spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) to formulations of cyhexatin and fenbutatin oxide. 4 pp.
ARA 1162
Flexner J. L., Westigard P. H., Croft B. A., 1988: Field reversion of organatin resistance in the twospotted spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) following relaxation of selection pressure. 5 pp.
Fliegel G., : Die Forschungsaufgaben der geologischen Landesanstalten. 20 pp. (in German).
Flint O. S., 1962: Larvae of the caddis fly genus Rhyacophila in eastern North America (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae). 29 pp.
Flint O. S., 1966: Notes on certain Nearctic Trichoptera in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 17 pp.
Flint O. S., 1966: Studies of Neotropical Caddis Flies, II. Types some species described by Ulmer and Brauer. 22 pp.
Flint O. S., 1967: Studies of Neotropical caddis flies, IV. New species from Mexico and Central America. 24 pp.
EZS 110250
Flügel H.-J., 2000: Erste Nachweise von Cheilosia gigantea (Zetterstedt, 1838) in Hessen (Diptera: Syrphidae). 2 pp. [DIP 937] Entomologische Zeitschrift 110(8): 250-251.
EZS 111156
Flügel H.-J., 2001: Andrea viridescens Viereck, 1916 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the Lower Oder valley – second record from Brandenburg. (in German) 2 pp. [HYM 1132] Entomologische Zeitschrift 111(5): 156-157.
EZS 112069
Flügel H.-J., 2002: Diptera from the Lower Oder valley: thick-headed flies (Diptera: Conopidae). 5 pp. (in German). [DIP6354] [M51] Entomologische Zeitschrift 112(3): 69-73.
EZS 112273
Flügel H.-J., 2002: Fliegen des unteren Odertales: Schwebfliegen (Diptera: Syrphidae). 14 pp. [63251] Entomologische Zeitschrift 112(11-18): 273-286.
Fluiter H. J. de, Pol P. H. van de, Woudenberg J. P. P., (eds.), 1963: Fenologisch en faunistisch Onderzoek over Boomgaardinsekten. [Phenological and Faunistic Investigation on Orchard Insects.] 226 pp. (in Dutch).
MAM 256
Flynn L. J., 2007: Origin and evolution of the Diatomyidae, with clues to paleoecology from the fossil record. 9 pp. Bull. Carn. Mus. Nat. Hist. 39: 173-181.
EZS 065233
Foerster J., 1955: Im Reich des Morpho aega. 8 pp. [LEP 1175] Entomologische Zeitschrift 65(20): 233-240.
LEP 5763
Föhst P., 1992: Beobachtungen an Raupen einiger nordafrikanischer und spanischer Nachtfalter (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae, Lasiocampidae). 12 pp. [M66]
MAM 67
Fokanov V. A., 1952: Obzor fauny mlekonitajuščich Priuralnogo rajona Zapadno-Kazachstanskoj oblasti. 10 pp.
Forbes S. A., 1905: Twenty-third report of the state entomologist on the noxious and beneficial insects of the state of Illinois. 298 pp.
Formánek R., 1909: Evropští nosatci rodu Dorytomus. (Entomologické příručky IV.)(1 čb.tabule). 29 pp.
ZCS 21049
Fornůsek R., Jeniš I., 1985: Příspěvek k poznání brouků čeledi Eucnemidae Československa (Coleoptera). 4 pp. [ELA 76] Zprávy Československé společnosti Entomologické při ČSAV 21: 49-52.
AGR 21
Forsslund K. H., 1936: Nagra farliga fiender till barrträdens groddplantor i Norrland. 3 pp.
Forsslund K. H., 1938: Bidrag till käannedomen om djurlivets i marken inverkan pa markomvandlingen. I. Om nagra hornkvalsters (Oribatiders) näring. 21 pp.
SPX 03001
Forster W., 1980: Einige neue Tagfalterformen aus Nepal (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera). 9 pp. Spixiana 3(1): 1-9.
SPX 36020
Försterra G., Häussermann V., Melzer R. R., Weis A., 2013: A deep water pycnogonid close to the beach: Colossendeis macerrima Hoek, 1881 spotted at 18 m in the Chilean fjords (Chelicerata, Pycnogonida, Colossendeidae). 1 pp. Spixiana 36(1): 20.
Forti, 1996: La Geologia dell’Istria nel ricordo di Carlo d’Amrosi (Il carso di buie e di rovigno). 62 pp.
Foucault B. de, 1997: Contribution to the phytosociological knowledge of the mesophilous forests and borders in the Cambaran plateau (Isere and Drôme, France). 18 pp. Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon 66(9): 233-250.
ARA 1163
Fournier D., Pralavorio M., Cuany A., Bergé J. B., 1988: Genetic analysis of methidathion resistance in Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae). 6 pp.
Fouts R. M., 1948: Parasitic wasps of the genus Trimorus in North America. 58 pp. [M32]
ASN 210
Fox C., 1931: A limited rat flea survey of Savannah, Ga. 2 pp.
PSC 111
Fraipont M., 1988: The responses of Astyanax mexicanus (Pisces Characidae, Epigean form) to chemical traces of conspecific groups of varying densities. 4 pp.
ZCS 21103
Franc V., 1985: Zaujímavé nálezy múčiarovitých chrobákov na strednom Slovensku (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). 3 pp. [TEN 231] [M35]
Franceschini R., 1892: Die Biologie als selbständige Wissenschaft. 38 pp. (in German).
ELY 07003
Franciscolo M. E., 1993: A new Anaspis (Pinasa Ermisch, 1950) and a new subapterous genus of Anaspidinae from Kenya (Coleoptera: Scraptiidae). 17 pp. Elytron 7: 3-19.
DIP 4538
Francois F., 1962: Contribution a l’etude des Dipteres du Burundi. X. - Trois Exoprosopa (Bombyliidae) nouveaux de l’est du Burundi. 15 pp.
PPE 40125
Franek M., 1970: Wrazliwosc chrzaszczy wolka zbozowego – Sitophilus granarius L. (Col., Curculionidae) na glód i preparat Toxaphen Merck w zaleznosci od obsady owadów matecznych w slojach hodowlanych. 15 pp. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 40(1): 125-139.
PPE 43189
Franek M., 1973: Effect of some environmental factors on changes of temperature and habitat conditions inside rearing containers in laboratory cultures of granary weevil – Sitophilus granarius L. (Col., Curculionidae). 12 pp. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 43: 189-200.
EBA 12259
Frank J., 1988: Revision der Gattung Rybinskiella Reitter, 1907, mit drei neuen Arten aus dem West-Himalaja (Coleoptera: Catopidae). 20 pp. [M19] Entomologica Basiliensia 12: 259-278.
EBA 14147
Frank J., 1991: Namadeus minimus n. sp. aus der Türkei, mit vergleichenden Aedoeagus-Untersuchungen verwandter Arten. (Coleoptera: Catopidae, Anemadinae). 6 pp. [M48] Entomologica Basiliensia 14: 147-152.
Franken W., 1979: Untersuchungen im Einzugsgebiet des zentralamazonischen Urwaldbaches „Barro Branco“ auf der „terra firme“. I. Abflußverhalten des Baches. 8 pp. Amazoniana 6(4): 459-466.
LMN 10
Franken W., 1980: Untersuchungen im Einzugsgebiet des zentralamazonischen Urwaldbaches „Barro Branco“ auf der „terra firme“. II. Abflußspende des Baches. 5 pp. Amazoniana 7(1): 1-5.
EVE 248
Frankenberger Z., 1940: Ke znalosti balkánských druhů rodu Porcellium Dahl. 7 pp. (s 13 obrázky).
AEP 18137
Frankenberger Z., 1940: Ke znalosti balkánských druhů rodu Porcellium Dahl. 7 pp. (s 13 obrázky). [M62] Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 18: 137-143.
EVE 251
Frankenberger Z., 1942: Poznámky o českých Isopodech. IV. 7 pp. [AEP 20151] [M40]